The Carnival

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3rd POV

After Persie got home and removed her armor, she walked over to her bed. She paused, looking at it with a blank stare before launching herself onto it and screaming into her comforter. She sat there for a solid minute before forcing her head up for air.

"I'm an idiot," she told her stuffed horse forlornly. "Kaulder is my..." She hesitated, rolled over, and threw her hands in the air. "SOMETHING! Of course he would recognize me." As she takes another breath to continue her rant, her phone starts vibrating from her nightstand and singing 'It's A Small World,' indicating she should answer the call. She groans and, reaching for her phone, sits up and crosses her legs. She answers it without looking at the caller ID.

"What." She sighed into the speaker.

"Woah, is this a bad time?" Wally's voice went in one ear and out the other before Persie's eyes flew open and she dragged the words back.

"Wally?!" She grinned before blushing. "Yea, sorry about that. Rough day." She rolled onto her stomach and kicked her feet in the air. "How are you?"

"I'm ok, had to deal with an annoying, possible co-worker today" He sighed. "Do y-"

"Me too! Except I had several... Sorry, continue please." Persie mumbled with a blush.

"Ok." Wally laughed. "Do you want to go to a carnival with me and some other friends of mine?" Persie grinned.

"Is this a date?" She could feel him blush as he stuttered a bit. "When and where?" She chuckled.

There was silence before, "Coast City. Tomorrow at 6 PM." Persie took a breath to reply before her phone vibrated and the screen went black. She looked at it for a second before squeezing it and screaming profanities at it in every language she knew.


Wally frowned at his phone and looked up at the expectant team.

"She hung up."

"Without an answer? Rude." Artemis sniffed and walked away.

"Bummer, bro. Maybe something happened?" Robin said, putting his hand on Wally's shoulder consolingly. Wally nodded and they watched TV for about an hour before his phone buzzed. He whipped it out and, glancing at it for a speed read, grinned at Rob. He turned the screen so Rob could read the text and began vibrating around the room. Rob grinned and held out his fist for a bro bump.

'Srry, phone died, charger dead, had to buy new. I'll see you tomorrow! ;p'


Wally found Persie leaning on the metal fence that was around the carousel. He grinned and began to sneak up on her. Just as he was about to try to taser (tickle) her, she whirled around and tasered him. He was shocked that she moved so fast; he had no time to dodge. That's how the team found them: Wally on the floor laughing with Persie bent over him tickling him. Artemis snorted and they looked up. Persie began to smile before her eyes landed on Kaulder and her entire body stiffened. The team looked at Kaulder to find him equally frozen. Megan frowned and with a small glance around, she closed her eyes to hide their glow as she tried to read Persie's mind. She came up short on a solid wall that was very familiar to her. Her eyes shot open and she managed to catch the end of Wally's introduction, who was oblivious to the tension spreading through the group. Megan looked around at her team members and set up a mind link with them. She began asking Persie a random, brainless question to hide their conversation.

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