The End

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"I think we're getting close." M'gann stated quietly, her eyes glowing. The team was in the old waterways beneath Central City, trying to track the rouge white martian. It had taken them a while, but on their last mission, they had come to this city and M'gann had sensed it. They came back on their own, Hurricane's scathing comment ringing in several ears.

"I'll run ahead and see." Kid Flash got ready to run, but Kaulder put a hand on his shoulder.

"The noise will echo and our stealth mission wont be very stealthy." Kaulder thought to the speedster. Wally sighed dramatically and fell back to walk next to Rob, who smiled apologetically and melted into the shadows to scout ahead in place of the loud redhead.

They walked for a while in silence while they waited for Robin to come back, the only exciting thing being Artemis slipping and dragging Wally down to prevent herself from falling. When Robin finally came back, he was oddly subdued.

"So, I found the Martian..." Rob hesitated. Kaulder raised an eyebrow.

"I sense a 'but' in that sentence." Kaulder thought evenly.

"I think Kid Flash should stay back." At the shocked and confused expressions on the teams' faces and the hurt and suspicious look on Wally's, Robin scrambled around for an explanation. "I mean, what if it has friends," Rob cringed slightly at that, "Or some kind of mindless servant to protect it? We could ... Use the back-up."

"If that is the case, I think it best we stay together." Kaulder looked around with a frown.

"Also, I can't be far from anyone if he decides to attack mentally. I haven't ever had to fight of one of my own kind before; I'd rather not risk the distance." Miss Martian put in. "Robin, if you could lead the way, I could focus more on guarding our link." With one last worried glance at Wally, Robin sighed and led them into the darkness.


"It looks like a bank vault." Kid Flash broke the mental silence and shook the team out of their stupor.

"It also looks like its open. Come on, lets get this over with: it's cold down here." Artemis thought, starting forward.

"If you wore some clothes, it might be warmer." Wally smirked.

"What do you call this?!" Artemis gestured at her superhero outfit and glared at Wally.

"A crop top with no sleeves and some yoga pants." Wally made a 'duh' gesture.

"At least I'm not wearing a leotard!" Artemis and Wally were now inches apart and were really getting into their argument when Kaulder pushed them apart.

"Enough, you two are wasting time." They glared at each other in blame. "Conner, if you could get ready to open the door?" Conner nodded and grasped the edge, ready to throw it open so that they could all run in. "On my mark; three, two, one, GO!" The door was wrenched open and they all rushed in on the two figures on there. One jumped up in surprise and almost immediately had a sword pointed at the group. Everyone in the room froze when they saw who they were facing.

"You?" Kid Flash stepped forward with a whisper.

"Me." Persie sighed, and stepped out of her battle stance, but didn't put her sword away. Her armor shone dimly in the light of the the lamp hanging on the wall of the medium sized room. "I thought you guys weren't supposed to look for him." She nodded at the white martian lying on a nest of blankets.

"I thought you were going to deal with it." Persie opened her mouth to retort, But Wally pushed on, his voice gaining volume and emotion as he continued. "I thought that 'Hurricane' was your sister. I thought I could trust you. I thought you trusted me." Tears were gathering in his eyes, but he didn't let them fall. "It turns out that not only did you not tell me who you were, you knew who I was. I can't believe you didn't return the courtesy. Well, enjoy your pet. I'm done." Wally spun around with a sneer and stormed away. After a shocked pause, Robin and Artemis hurry after him, Robin avoided eye-contact with Persie, but Artemis shot her a nasty glare, but Persie thought she looked a little triumphant. About what, Persie could only guess. Conner and M'gann followed after them, but they looked sad and uncertain, they had really liked Persie, but not Hurricane. They had to wonder, which was the real one, Persie or Hurricane. Aqualad looked torn, go with his team or stay with Persie?

"Go. Your team needs you." Her voice was tense and she was staring ahead with a clenched jaw. Kaulder nodded, and with one more glance at her, he left Persie with the martian.

"I'm sorry if I caused you problems." The martian said after they were gone. Persie turned toward him with a frown.

"No. All couples fight, and I learned something important about him today. I'll talk to him later to try and fix it, but if he can't look past this, then that's on him, not you." Persie picked up her helmet and rested her hand on his shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow, Maddox." She leves and shuts the door behind her.


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Robin watched his best friend with worry as said friend angrily typed as fast as the phone would allow him to, Rob was guessing, Persie. Robin felt a little bad for her, but his loyalties went to Wally first. The silence drew him out of his thoughts and back to Wally as he stopped typing, his face shocked and slightly horrified.

"Wally? Dude, you okay?" Robin drew Wally's attention away from his screen. Wally stared at him for a few moments before offering the device. Rob immediately grabbed it and turned it to face him as he read the messages. The phone buzzed with a notification and Robin stopped reading the text conversation to see what is said.

***You have been blocked by Persie***

Robin looked up at Wally with a blank expression.

"You're an idiot."

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