Chapter Six

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Mckinnley sat straight up in the bed like a jack in the box, sweat pouring off her body as she tried to regain regular breathing pattern and slow down her heart rate. Turning the lamp on the night stand on in hopes to keep away the nightmare at bay. Her chest rose and fell rapidly while clutching at her t-shirt. Once she was able to get her heart to calm and breathing to a normal level, she just sat in bed with her legs curled up and her arms wrapped around them.

Hour later Mckinnley couldn't stand to be in the bed any longer, sleep wasn't going to come anytime soon. It was dark outside still but the sun would be up at any moment. Mckinnley decided to take another early morning ride on Jasper, that always seemed to help when she was stressed.

After putting on blue jeans, red tank top, and her boots she headed quietly down the stairs. Coming upon the large red barn doors it looked as if someone already opened them. Confusion shown on Mckinnley's face, she distinctively remembered Chase locking the barn door last night. Hesitantly she walked into the barn and wished she had a weapon of some sort to use in case it was a burglar.

Quietly walking towards the back of the barn where Jasper was held in his stall. Mckinnley would constantly look over her shoulder and peered in each stall as she passed by. When she came upon Jasper's stall he was already fitted for a ride. Now, Mckinnley thought she could possibly have dreamed of the kiss and even the ride on Jasper. Her brows knitted together trying to replay her day out in her head.

A large hand touched her shoulder making Mckinnley jump and swing her arm out wide. Her hand came in contact with someones face, with a deep and gruffly "Owe"

When she turned around to see her apparent attacker, Chase was holding the side of his face. He was wearing a dark blue lightweight zip up jacket, grey undershirt with jeans and cowboy boots. Mckinnley immediately felt horrible about hitting him, but then started to snicker at his expression.

"Damn remind me never to sneek up on you anymore, that's one hell of a punch you got there." Chase stated as he rubbed his jaw a red mark already coming visible.

"I'm so sorry but you should have coughed or whistled or something"

"Well I'll definitely remember that for next time" they stood there for a few brief moments just looking at each other. Mckinnley broke the intense stare by looking towards Jasper.

"I thought you might be out here early again so I went a head and saddled Jasper for you." Chase stated as he leaned his body against the stall. Mckinnley pondered why he was up this early anyways but just thought it was a nice gesture and just go with the flow.

"Thank you, I had planned on going for another ride. I can't sleep so I thought I'd go for a relaxing ride." Mckinnley replied as she watched Jasper chewing on feed. Chase turned to walk away knowing that she probably wanted her space like she did before. Mckinnley turned before Chase left the barn.

"Hey would you like to go on a ride with me, it would be nice to have some company. That is if your not busy or something?" Mckinnley questioned. Internally Chase was smiling he had hoped she would've asked.

"No...I mean yeah" Chase replied and Mckinnley looked at him with one brow raise in wonderment. Chase cleared his throat "I mean no I'm not doing anything and yes I would like to go on a ride with you." Mckinnley smile was breathtaking, she had the most gorgeous smile Chase had ever seen. Chase quickly saddled up Martin the black stallion, and both were headed out into the field.

As they rode along the open field the nightly animals were starting to quite down for their own bed time as the morning birds began to chirp. Silence fell upon Chase and Mckinnley as they enjoyed the surrounding beauty. Mckinnley broke the silence.

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