New Life

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Dear Clara,

I am ready for change. I do not know how long its been what day it is or why we're here. If I die you will not find me but if you happen to see the corpse of a small thin girl wearing a purple flower necklace then that is me. I need to get out of here the people are awful the food is sparce and the guards are burtal. They have told me this is the worst camp this is a death camp, they tell me that the guards will try to work me to death they tell me I will die. I will not let them win I will live through this I have people to live for and I have promised to survive for them. Mama has died my heart broke when I saw my own mother lying beside me no movement nothing. They have done this to me they do want me to die they wanted Mama to die. But today it will change today we're going to a new camp today we will leave this death camp. Clara by the time you find this you will be a adult maybe you will be married or have children if so kiss them right now kiss your husband hug your family and never let go.


I felt Marie's head again she still had a burning forehead death was coming for her but I wouldn't let him take her not now when we were so close. Hannah and Madison sat in the corner their bed spot had been taken by selfish others and they were forced to sleep upright against the wall. Mama's dead body was still beside me I wasn't ready to let her go not yet I still needed her. 

"Letty? What time is it?" Marie had a burning temperature but was shaking uncontorlably and her teeth clicked together nonstop.

"Morning I think look the sun is rising." our platform had a small window at the end I always slept with my feet by the window so I could see outside. I woke up early so I could see the sunrise most people tried to sleep for as long as they could I wanted to have my peace I needed it.

"That is beautiful." Marie tried to smile but her illness made that impossible she cracked a grin then it quickly faded away. Marie coughed loudly almost waking the woman beside us I hugged her comforting her. 

"Letty I love you, thank you." 

"Marie I love you too and I won't let you die you will stay alive for me." I pleaded thinking that if I gave Marie hope she would do the impossible she would beat the odds she would live. 

"Up now everyone time to see if any of you could work at a new camp!" the guard marched in yelling as she normally did. Madison and Hannah jerked their eyes open I couldn't find Madison's mom neither could Madison. 

"Mother? Where are you?" Madison slowly woke up and started to process what was happening. Hannah helped her up I help Marie I knew she would be staying here I wished she could follow me but I had a amazing opportunity at stake so I was going to take it.

"Maddy I am right here don't worry." Madison's mom assured her as she placed a arm around her daughter's shoulder.

"Out now!" barked the guard again. People struggled to get out the door no one wanted to be last that would make them venerable.

"Violet are you leaving if you get chosen?" Hannah came up from behind me Madison joined us.

"I don't want to leave Marie but I have to leave this place is terrible." I answered with a heavy heart. Marie was walking with Madison's mom they were discussing random topics of choice everyone was just talking until we reached our destination. 

The sandy court never looked so frightful. I had been to two other trades but this one was different this one was a matter of life and death. For the past few days I had been trying to stay as healthy as I could which was quite a challenge. Last time I had gotten scabies on my face and the time before that I had the flu and was terribly sick, luckily I lived. They lined us up in rows there was rows on rows of us while waiting for a inspector I tried to count but lost count after a minute. The hot sun burned down on my face I had sunburn all over my body and hoped that wouldn't effect the guards choice to keep or trade me. 

"You look okay..." a tall muscular guard who looked about my age inspected Madison. Another one came to look at her as well they tilted her chin up looked at her hands heard her speak. I tried to prepare myself for what was going to happen but I couldn't get the first guard out of my head. He was handsome but most of all he looked like Shane who I missed dearly.

"You, let me look at you." the second guard inspected me I was a bit disappointed the first one didn't. 

"Alright you can go." the first guard dismissed Madison and came to me he did the same inspection on me. His hands touched my face slowly gently I hoped he couldn't feel my heart trobbing because I could. My hands grew sweaty I kept them behind my back.

"She is a little bit burnt but I'm sure she'll be okay." the first guard said to the other he nodded with agreement and pushed me in the direction of Madison. We watched egerally as the guards inspected Hannah she was thin beyond anything but we all were. Hannah also dehydrated, exhausted and starving more then any of us a side effect from her sharing and kindness. The guards refused to let Hannah leave we had to leave her behind along with Marie and Madison's mother.

"I wonder if there will be any boys on the train?" Madison tried to ease the tension on the way to the train that would transport us to a new camp.

"Were there any on your way here?" 

"Yes but I hated it... I just hope this transport is better." Madison and I got onto the train with high hopes, hopes that where taken and stepped on. The train was a series of cattle cars stuck together. It was dark and packed full I wished for my family but I had no one except Madison to comfort me. I estimated the trip to be about three days long but there was just small bars as windows in the top of the cart and no one had any watch. 

It was on day two when I met a old friend of mine again. Shane was also transported to the same camp as us I was delighted to see him and when I did he cried a bit I did to.

"Violet you are still alive, I knew you would be." Shane embraced me in his thin arms which were literally all mussel.

"Shane it has been awful they treat me like dirt. They would violate me and tease me they hated me." I rested my head on Shane's shoulder he sat me down and held me I let him. Madison was asleep I had forgotten about her I forgot about everything all I needed right now was Shane.

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