Your biggest weakness and how to overcome it
Each and every one of us has a weakness that hinders us in life. It’s no surprise that no one is perfect. We all have habits or traits that don’t always help us and in fact actually, make things more difficult for us.
Weaknesses can include: procrastinating too much even when you know you have a lot to do, being forgetful of things that are important to your loved ones (this definitely ruins relationships), and looking to the wrong things to make you happy.
These weaknesses make it harder for you to be at your very best. They might hinder you from performing well at work or school, or they might cause trouble in your relationships.
These weaknesses might also be just plain unhealthy for you. Some flaws may be simply embarrassing to admit.
This could be why employers ask their potential job applicants to fess up their biggest weakness with sad details of potential character flaws and shortcomings almost like a confession.
Weaknesses might deter us from being at our very best, but it’s also important to remember that EVERYONE has weaknesses.
Everyone has some habit or trait that they’d like to get rid of. And while it is absolutely okay to not be perfect, it’s also great to work on your weaknesses if you can identify them.
If you need some help figuring out what your weaknesses are and how to work on them, you can look to the stars. Believe it or not, your zodiac sign can say a lot about your personality and character traits.
If you want to find out which of your traits are holding you back from being the boss AF person that you were meant to be, then you can get some hints from astrology, horoscopes and the zodiac.
Some zodiac signs have weaknesses that include being lazy or procrastinating on everything. Other signs have weaknesses that include being forgetful or reckless.
Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)
The biggest weakness for Aquarius is that she sometimes ignores the people that she loves.
She doesn’t do it on purpose, but she tends to prioritize her work above everything else in her life.
She cares for the people in her life, but she can get so caught up in work that she forgets that other people want to spend time with her.
To overcome this weakness, Aquarius needs to plan out her schedule so that she isn’t swamped solely with work.
She needs to set aside time for her friends, family, and her relationship. She should definitely remind her loved ones that she cares.
Pisces (February 19 to March 20)
The biggest weakness for Pisces is that she can sometimes be a little lazy.
She likes to lounge around at home in her pajamas instead of being productive around the house or even making plans with friends. Her favorite hobby is snuggling up in her duvet.
It’s not completely a bad thing to want to spend your weekends curled up in bed, but over time, Pisces can forget her other responsibilities.
To overcome this weakness, Pisces needs to get up every once in a while and finish the work that she’s been putting off. Setting an alarm or sticking with a schedule can make things easier for her.
Zodiac Signs
AléatoireSimply a book about your Zodiac Sign! ➡️Book 2 out!⬅️ Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) Pisces (February 19 to March 20) Aries (March 21-April 19) Taurus (April 20-May 20) Gemini (May 21-June 20) Cancer (June 21-July 22) Leo (July 23-August 22) V...