Chapter 8

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Oh my gosh! I'm so so so so so sorry this is so late!!!!!! I've been so busy!!! But I've finally updated!! Anywayyss..... on to the story...


I was lying on my bed in Ginny's room, where I was sleeping while I stayed at the Burrow for the Christmas holiday. Tonight was Christmas eve, and just my luck . . . I couldn't sleep. I gently got up, careful not to wake Ginny or Hermione. I quietly walked downstairs, and was wary of the step I had to skip since it creaked. I walked out the back door and into the garden. I sat on a bench near some bushes where garden gnomes were messing around. Looking up at the stars and by the condition of the sky I figured it was around midnight or so, maybe 1am. I continued to drift in and out of thought, watching gnomes wrestle with each other,  and I didn't hear the back door open.

"What are you doing up?" That very familiar voice scared me out of my skin. I jumped and clutched my rapidly beating heart. 

"Sorry, Love. Didn't mean to scare you," he said, chuckling slightly.  He sat down beside me, and I leaned into him. Even though I've spent Christmas with the Weasley's before, this year felt different. Fred and I were having our first Christmas together that our relationship wasn't secret. I thought back to what he said at St. Mungo's.

"But y/n, you are part of the family."

I smiled at the thought, and soon fell asleep leaning against Fred, listening to the low sound of the tune he was humming.

~time skip: IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!~

I woke up in my bed, and figured that Fred brought me up last night after I fell asleep in the garden. Then I remembered . . . It's CHRISTMAS!!!! I sat up to see that Ginny and Hermione were already downstairs. I got up and rushed downstairs. I saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny sitting in the living room.

"Merry Christmas guys," I said as I walked past them and into the kitchen. I entered the kitchen and saw Fred, along with George, and thought I'd sneak up on them, or Fred to be exact. I made my way over to them, but didn't see the mirror on the wall opposite of me. I was right behind Fred, ans was about to scare him when . . .

"Nice try, love," he said. My face dropped and I started to take pout.

"Aww. But I wanted to scare you," I pouted. He stood up, and turned to me.

"Sorry, love." He wrapped his arms around my waist. I scrunched up my nose at him and he kissed it.

"Merry Christmas," I said.

"Merry Christmas, y/n/n."

"Merry Christmas to you, too, George," I said looking at the other twin.

"Merry Christmas."

"So where are Mr. And Mrs. Weasley?" I asked looking back at Fred.

"They are still in bed. We decided just to let them sleep in."

"Well that's nice. But I can't wait to give you your present, so I'm going to go get it," I said, pulling away at the end and running upstairs. I pulled out a box from underneath my bed, and ran back downstairs. I walked over to the chair he was sitting in at the table, and saw that he also had a small box in front of him. I handed him his present, and he handed me mine.

"Open your's first," I said. He smiled and pulled the ribbon and top off the box. His eyes went wide at the necklace sitting inside. I got him a dogtag with our names engraved, along with the date we started dating. He suddenly pulled me into a hug, and onto his lap.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear.

"I love you, too." I pulled away from the hug, and he gestured me to open my gift. I untied the bow, and lifted off the top of the box to see a charm bracelet. It had three charms on it. A heart with our initials on it.

                          F & ( y/f/i)

Another heart with the date we started to date. And finally a charmwith both our birth stones in it. I smiled widely, and kissed him.

"Thank you so, so much," I after we pulled away.

Mr. And Mrs. Weasley soon woke up' and we all ate breakfast and opened gifts. I was sitting with Fred, Hermione, Harry, and Ron in the living room when an owl started to peck on the window. Harry let it in and it dropped a parcel in my lap and flew off. I opened to the package to see . . .


Heyyy!! Sorry it's so late!! But I hope the next one will be sooner. I hoped you liked it, and please vote. I appreciate all the votes and reads I receive!!! Love y'alllll!!
      -the only ginger Malfoy

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