Off we Go

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Chapter 1

It was a beautiful day, the vibrant yellow sun hung gloriously in the sky, sending down its once harmful rays, everything from the giant oak trees to the smallest vivid green grass blade was alight with the suns brilliance. Hundreds of screaming children swung lazily on the newly painted play tower or ran like galloping horses across the miles and miles of fields and woodland that surrounded Lake Borewood.The council had spent thousands on making Lake Borewood a haven of natural wonders, like the water cleansing chemical that cost a thousand pounds per litre or the eighteen thousand oak trees that had toppled the environmental local council's budget by over twenty thousand pounds. Morgan chuckled to himself, the government went absolutely crackers over that.

" Whats so funny Morgan ?" came the soft inquisitive voice of Rose.

" Nothing really, just thinking how much the government was pissed off when they spend all that cash on trees." An explosion of laughter erupted from the opposite side of the multi coloured chequered blanket that him and three others where sitting on next the glistening surface of Lake Borewood. They'd arranged it in school the last morning of term in science, the old bag of bones that was Mrs Jones was blabbering on about some type punishment when Tom had mentioned it and the next thing Morgan knew there was a plan to go this festival on saturday with Rose and Georgina.

A sweet soft breeze brushed against Moran's Scarlet Puffed cheeks, they'ed decided to go on the grand Lake Borewood almost an hour ago and it was silently agreed that Morgan and Tom would take up the oars and steer them all into the deep blue vast nothingness that was Lake Borewood.Tom began struggling straight way, with his weak useless arms and even smaller legs the old oaken oars soon became his only task. And so they fell into the familiar routine of either mocking some celebrity or listening to Toms helpless flirting with Georgina, it always tickled the rest of the group how Tom never gave up no matter how many times he was put off, Tom was adamant and that was one thing nobody could deny.

They all sat there, in the middle of Lake Borewood, idly munching on the last minuscule lemon cakes, when Rose spotted and small dark object slowly moving towards the boat.

It was only a few meters away from the boat by now, and from what the curious group could see it was some type of vase.Yes a swimming ,moving vase that was randomly floating around Lake Borewood. By the time it was close enough to reach Morgan simply had to stretch his oversized gangly limbs into the water, which to Morgan's surprise was a luke warm temperature .

Once Morgan had a firm grip around the strangely vase like object his hand was hit by a cold icy touch, he let out a moan and quickly plucked the dripping object from the alien like waters and slowly placed it down in the centre of the small wooden boat.

As soon as the strange object hit the wooden floor of the boat, a series of gasps and terrified exclamations escaped the mouths of the four friends.

"what the hell..." exclaimed Rose with a face of absolute questioning.

" But it can't be !" Georgina whispered softly under her breath, her face portrayed that of shock and disbelif.

"Well ..... Ummmmm... It could beeeee...." Said Tom addressing his friends with a tone of caution.

Morgan was in pure shock, everything he believed and was taught where shattered the moment his eyes looked at the object he had dragged from the water.

For what stood in front of the four friends, was what seemed to be a glass three inch sphere, filled with a deep navy mist that was constantly shifting. From the top of this sphere jutted out four clear glass strands that then looped underneath the sphere and lifted it off the ground.

But what shocked the group most was the four crystals each a different shade of red that where rapidly spinning in a continuous circle about ten centimetres above the sphere.

(Vote and comment on any aspect of the story are appreciated thanks guys !!!)

Chapter 2

The four friends sat there in silence for the next forty minutes, simply gazing at the phenomenon that was occurring before them. A never ending stream of possibilities rushed through Morgan's head, could science explain this thing ?, he'd never heard anything, maybe some type of magnetic suspension, but where were the magnets?. Morgan was out of ideas, and that rarely ever happened.

Tom's thoughts all occurred at once in a hurricane of confusion, could religion provide his answer ?,probably not. What about some type of machine, but where were the mechanics to preform such an act of defying gravity?

Tom abruptly broke the seemingly eternal silence by saying in a harsh tone of disgust,

"Get that thing off the boat !"

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