Chapter 3

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He simply stood there. Dressed in simple full length light blue over coat and an almost Snow White bowler rested, lightly sloped upon his golden locks of hair.He'd been standing in the shadow of a small birch tree for almost an hour at the edge of Lake Borewood watching the predicted chaos unfold upon the small tea brown boat.

" Quite amusing isn't it? " Came a voice that could only radiate power and wealth, from it seemed the tree it's self. The bowler man quickly withdrew his hands from the silk lined pockets and slowly turned around to face his interigator. He was greeted with the unwanted sight of the one true pain in his life, his brother.

Dressed in navy trousers and a white shirt, sported with a crimson tie and a fiery orange waistcoat, the bowler man's brother dressed to fight.

" Why, hello Rupert.And how are you this fine day?" Replied the bowler man with a smile that could cause annoyance in the most calmest of people. Rupert put on an even bigger smile and with a tone of sarcasm and scorn replied,

"Very good, thank you Oliver! Oh and by the way..." Rupert snapped off his smile immediately and replaced it with a face of pure hatred. "Shall we welcome our guests !"

He bellowed so loudly that the silent waters of Lake Borewood sprang into a little flurry of vibrations and little eruptions of water.


Morgan was terrified. Would his eyes slowly melt? What was he? And why had all the crystal stopped moving and now stood vertically on the top of the sphere?

And then he felt it, a tremendous glass shattering pulse the shot across the water and held the boat in an exhibition of violent shudders.

Morgan's head snapped around to the source of the disruption, and he was met with the sight of what seemed to be two balls of bright light racing across the water towards him, whipping up a continuos stream of mist trailing obediently behind them. Morgan simply stared. Only a trickle of surprise dripped into heart, he'd already seen glowing hands and four floating crystals, he was almost a bit disappointed that one x-men hadn't shown up yet.

The spot-lit spheres continued their preordained path towards the small boat that contained the four friends, skimming across the clear surface of Lake Borewood. Morgan slowly rose to his feet, placed his hands by his side, raised his head and stood protectively over his friends that still remained on the boat, and waited, for his assumed,guests.

The orbs silently waited about five feet away from the boat. Hovering above the water like the sun, frozen in time. Morgan waited. So what now? No explosions? No voices? Just floating fire balls? Surely whatever was doing this had more sense than to just abruptly end his torment with some hovering spheres.

"I'd prefer it if you weren't so sarcastic about our chosen spirit teleportation systems, if you don't mind." Came a shockingly scornful voice, that seemed to radiate off everything.

"I'm, umm, not umm, sure what you mean?" Inquired Morgan in a tone of dismay.

A laugh of pure spite echoed across the sky.

A second voice interrupted the seemingly eternal laugh of harassment.

"Enough chit chat Rupert. Just get down to the reason we are here."

"Why of course, dear brother mine." Mimicked the first voice.

And with that,the water trembled.

The sky released of roar of agony.

The balls of light exploded.

And Morgan's friends awoke.

( votes and comments appreciated thanks guys !!!)

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