Chapter 2

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Tom stood abruptly, sending the boat into a frenzy of scream and panicing,

" Oh for Gods sake Tom !" screeched Georgina. Tom lunged for the strange object, hitting Rose in the process, sending her into fit of angry insults and sobs. When Tom finally reached his goal, his desperate, shaking hands reached out for the eternally shifting mists and were violently stuck by a single crimson lighting bolt.

It struck the centre of his sweaty palm, and violently entered into every vein, filling each one with single particle of molten lava. The bolt continued on its journey, through every organ, past every muscle until it entered the heart.

There it grew at an astonishing rate, vaporising every gap and replacing it with boiling stone. Tom passed out after thirty seconds, the pain seared through his body and slowly tortured him to the brink of madness. But the bolt held him in place and soon the heart,became stone.

Morgan could see it happening, the dull amber throbbing that pulsed in his veins, the even duller glow that was where his heart should have been.

"Tom? Tom? Can you hear me? Tom?" Asked Morgan cautiously. They all stood over their unconscious friend, studying him like a foreign beast from a distant land.

"What happened?" Came the distant voice of Georgina.

"I'm not exactly sure myself." Replied Morgan.

"It was that." Answered Rose, and with a shaky hand pointed to the still spinning crystals. Morgan could feel the tension coming off that thing, so he quickly took off his jacket and placed it over the Sphere. The strange thing was that the crystals kept on spinning and built a little hump into its covering.

What to do now Morgan thought to himself, he definitely couldn't stay here with an almost dead friend and a mad little box full of mystery. Then suddenly, he heard a scream of anguish and torment that sharply dragged him back onto the wooden boat in the middle of Lake Borewood. For Rose, it had seemed, had rebelliously lifted the coat off the crystals and made a sinister grab for one. And now, she to was being pushed into the abyss of madness and pain. Still she screamed and begged but her hand, now a glowing red beacon,remained stuck on one of the now still crystals.

The screaming persisted, an endless chant of pain and agony that continued for a few more minutes before it finally ended in one gigantic wail of an endless pain. But, the strangest thing happened, instead of falling onto her back and become a useless pile of nothing, Rose floated into the air about a meter above her still speechless friends and released a outcry of frustration.

" The war has turned" Rose uttered in a harsh evil tone of victory. "For the turned quartet of earth have been recruited, including the GREAT SPIT FIRE HERSELF !!!!!!

A deathly seemingly eternal silence settled upon Lake Borewood, Morgan dare not think or speak simply in fear of becoming like his poor demented friends. Georgina had fainted as soon as Rose become unattached from the boat. What could he do?, it would take forever to row back to shore.

He sat down and broke into a flurry of tears and sobs, here he was, in the middle of a lake with a most likely dead friend, and floating mad woman screaming about planes, the only sane one left lying unconscious on the decking and a small box of mist with a load of floating crystals dancing about it.

But then he suddenly stopped, he to had touched the box. Fear flooded his thoughts would he to become a psychopath? With glowing hands and mad thoughts? Morgan slowly touched his face and was met with a extreme burning sensation in his fingers, he yelped and withdrew his hand.

He looked down at the small wooden planks and saw scorch marks on the wood.Then he realised.

He was crying tears of fire.

( hi guys just ignore the last chapter 2 this is the real one ! Votes and comments appreciated thanks guys !)

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