'9, Princesses on Parade

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Based on the German fairy tale Swan Lake

by @Kangacorn-Studios 

Admin: Jake


CLEAN white carriages, trimmed with gold rode up to the grand entrance to the Dragones Castle. Once it had halted, the coachman of the transport, leaped from his seat, and hastily opened the door. From the door, stepped out an enchanting princess, and her escort. She winked at the man in thanks, and sashayed over to the marble stairs, much like many other princesses. 

They all strode towards the large gateway to the castle, their eyes brimming confidence and superiority, as if they all believed they'd win the tender prince's heart. Anyone who was anyone was there, after all, sooner or later, he had to find someone to his liking. And who better, than a foreign princess; she'd most certainly be willing to take his hand. 

"The prince will likely chose his future queen tonight." the doormen commented, making big gestures to open the doors for the incoming ladies. 

The ballroom was brightly lit, almost as though they were to ward off any shadows. The carpets were soft, and welcoming. As the people talked while casually sipping on some champagne, Happy, the royal messenger, zipped through the crowd. He quickly knocked on the door on the far side of the ballroom, it conveniently being covered by a rose quartz pillar. 

When he didn't receive a response, he sighed in annoyance and peeled the door open to peek his head through. The royals were in the dressing area. The queen, sat comfortably in front of her dresser, while her son, paced anxiously. Happy cleared his throat, before saying, "Ehem, excuse me. Your highness?" 

"Yes, yes Happy?" the queen replied. She was currently touching up her hair, as she stared at her reflection through the mirror on the vanity.  With her dainty fingers she absentmindedly plucked at her lose hairs. Her messenger rolled his eyes at her devotion to her appearance, but continued. "It's getting rather crowded." he put on a wide fake smile while nodding enthusiastically. 

She closed her eyes, a pleased look on her face. "Very well, you may begin the introductions." she paused to pat her head. "And Happy," the poor boy was just about to shut the door, when she called him yet again. He creaked open the door once more, and batted his lashes while putting on a forced smile. "Yes?" "No mistakes this time. Everything must be perfect." 

"Oh, no, no, no. I mean, oh yes, I mean, no madame." he stuttered, trying not to make it too obvious that he just wanted to leave as soon as possible. "Everything'll be, pe-pe-perfect!" he chuckled weakly, and quickly shut the door. 

With him gone, Grandine turned to her dear son. "Promise me Natsu, you'll tell me who it is the moment she arrives!" she giggled giddily as she traced her finger against the glass of her mirror. Her eyes switched over to peer at him. He was adjusting his buckles that held his cape to his shoulders. A broad smile spread across his face.

With a chuckle, he said, "Don't worry mother, you'll know." a quieter voice he repeated, "Believe me, you'll know." 


Romeo paced the marshy grass of the lake, his chin being cupped by his hand. This wasn't right. None of it was. Lucy, his friend, was the kindest, most beautiful, and bravest girl he'd ever come to know; she didn't deserve this. How had things gotten so bad? From what he'd been told, she was about officially announce her engagement to Prince Natsu. What caused her to leave the castle? How had Jose gotten his hands on her? When she should've been far away from the woods?

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