School Bullies

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    Sorry about that image a the top of the screen. Though I like it, for some sick and twisted reason! But I don't know. It's a preview I guess.. I'll use it when it's going to happen..which is probably the next "page"

(Séan's P.O.V)
When school started I had the usual girls trying to talk to me ask me out. I needed to find somebody who can help me bring up my grades so I can keep playing games. I kept on searching until I found mark, well Mark and Ethan and they were both hugging, kissing which shocked me completely! "Eh Mark I didn't know you liked men.." I said shoving his shoulder, playfully. "Well Ethan and I went on a date to a park and we ended up dating.." He said, blushing "see! I ship it.." I giggled "wait your not judging me.." He said confusedly "what! I'll never get mad at you for following your heart!" I said. " wow! Thanks Séan I thought you'd be like all the other popular people and mock me" he said as his voice cracked "I'm not popular" I mumbled, looking down "what! Dont even pull that crap! Your popular!" He said " only because of my mom.." I shrugged " still your a nice guy, which makes me wonder why are you such a jerk to the teachers?" He asked "''s complicated" I stuttered " no its not.. Is it your reputation?" He said. It made me nervous " some of it is but I need to impress a...guy" Oh shit I shouldnt have said that! " n..never mind I gotta go!" I excused " uh moose and squirrel are waiting" I said as I walked away. Damn it! I just ruined everything.
I was walking until I found Felix. And I decided to scare him a bit. And went behind his locker and slammed it. He flinched and covered his face. I laughed as I said " its not Ethan." "Oh he did the same, So I..I thought" he stuttered. My cheeks started to heat up. "Oh I can I ask you some thing?" He asked " go ahead.." I said as I moved my hair out of my eyes. " why are you being nice to me, I mean I know why you helped me b..but I'm scared your just going to turn on me o..or" he stuttered nervously " you think I'm just a jerk, and a popular quarterback?" I said. I could tell he thought he offended me. " I'm sorry..p..please d..don't g..get mad" he stuttered on every word, I thought it was cute. " im kidding, I just act mean.. but I need a favor from you, I saw you were passing in your algebra 2, I was hoping you could help me.. But I..if your busy its alright" I stuttered to, which blew my cover of course! His eyes widened " what! Y..yeah of course! W..when?" Hes excited, does he like algebra 2?.. " how about my place, at seven. Hmm. On Friday? " I said " y..yeah perfect." He blushed, as did I. I laughed yeah. "I'll pick you up on Friday! Where do you live?" I asked. He gave me his adress. "I'll talk to you later!" I said as I walked away.
  I thought I was in the clear but that's when Ethan came. " Hey how's Felix" he asked. " He's fine, why do you ask??" I said " Oh because I thought he was going to be hurt after all the hitting on him you did" he laughed. I huffed, "I didnt hit on him I needed help on my algebra 2..." I said. HE KNOWS! HE KNOWS. SHIT STAY CALM. " right.." He said. " w..what do you mean?" I asked/studdered. Why am I still studdering? " I saw, you laughing, him laughing. Both of you blushing. And I also heard you ask where does he live! But its not flirting at all..." He laughed " keep your voice down you'll get me in trouble" I said. "You cant get in trouble... remember?" He questioned " yes I can! Just dont tell anybody please?.." I have signature puppy dog eyes. Which I used...dont judge. He Sighed. Yeah I won!! " fine, Séan. But don't get mad when I use it above your head!" He laughed. " if you can reach!" I laughed after. He huffwd, but giggled to. "Fine touché. Let's go home. " He said. "Yeah lets go!". I said. "Bye Eth!" I yelled before getting into my car. "Bye Jack!" He said as I drove away. "I should probably clean my car before picking him up.. Which is in 1 day. I have time" I mumbled. Before pulling into my drive way. "I wish I still lived with mom, adleast food would be ready when I get home" I said as I kicked off my shoes. I threw my keys on the table and started making steak. (Mm, steak I'm hungry). After I ate I went into my room and jumped on the bed.
     I got to thinking, "why did I feel nervous about Felix? Did I like him? What no! thats not possibkd. He's...a man for short! That can't be true. I'm probably just tired...I hope" I mumbled the entire conversation before sleeping.

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