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"Aww!" Jade whined. The moment she sat up on the bed, she felt the pain all over her body. And when she was about to stand up, she felt a different kind of pain in the middle part of her body. And that's when she realized the reason behind all the pain in her body.

"Shit! That wasn't a dream?!" She said, blushing. And her realization was proven correct when she saw a blood stain on the bed sheet.

She thought that all that happened last night was just a dream because she didn't saw Perrie beside her when she woke up. But all that happened last night was true. Something did happen between them.

"What were you thinking, Jade? Why did you let her? Ugh..." She said to herself while pulling her hair out. 

It didn't take long before she decided to go downstairs. Of course, she found it hard to walk properly since she couldn't feel her legs that much. 'It hurts so bad.' She told herself as she carefully helped herself go down the stairs. And she was praying in the back of her mind that Perrie wouldn't be there when she gets down. 

When she did get down, she made her way to the kitchen to eat some food since its near lunch time. 

"Good morning, Jade," The brunette turned her head to the direction where the voice came from. 

"Harry? What're you doin' here?"

"Visiting you." He said then winked at her. And Jade couldn't help but blush. "Just kidding. I went here with Camila. She kept forcing me to take her here since she wanted to see you."

"Really? Camila's here?" She asked giddily. Camila had been close to her even though they only spent a couple of days together. She last seen her back in Hawaii and to see her here in Shields means a lot to the brunette since she too misses the Cuban girl.

"Yup. She's talking to Perrie at the living room." And Jade was frozen to her spot as she heard her wife's name. 

"Perrie's here?" She asked and the curly haired lad nodded. "She didn't go to work?" He shook his head. 

"It's strange though. I mean, she never misses work. She's always present no matter what but today seemed to be an exception, I just don't know why." He said. Then he reached out his arm. "Wanna greet them?"

Jade didn't answer and just let Harry pull her in the living room. Harry must've noticed the way she was walking when they stopped midway the living room. "Jade, are you okay?" 

Jade blushed but she nodded. She's really uncomfortable with her legs right now and it's all Perrie's fault. But she's not gonna tell him that.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay. I just tripped earlier, s'all." She reasoned out.

"You sure? Do you want me to carry you?"

The brunette shook her head. "Its okay, I can manage." And then they made their way to the living room. Jade did everything she could to try and hide the fact that she couldn't walk properly since she could feel the lad's eyes on hers. 

"If only stares could kill, Harry is probably dead by now." Camila teased the blonde. She must've noticed the way she was looking at them after telling Perrie the reason of their arrival in the first place. 

Perrie just rolled her eyes at the Cuban girl and just focused her attention on the glass she was holding. It seemed to be more interesting than the scene she witnessed not long ago. And it made Camila grin widely. How the blonde was acting right now is enough reason for her to assume that she was jealous of their friend. 

Camila happily greeted Jade and gave her a warm hug. Like Jade, the Cuban girl also grew close to her even if they just spent a couple of days together. The two of them sat on the couch and started a conversation about Camila's birthday and the days that followed that. Harry butts in sometimes just to tease the Cuban girl which made the brunette laugh. But Jade only moves a little since her body still felt sore. She's just glad that she let her hair fall to her shoulders today or else Camila and Harry would notice the hickeys on her neck and shoulders.

Perrie was just silently listening to them. Her attention was only focused on Jade. 

And it didn't take long before Camila and Harry bid them goodbye since they still have some errands to run. 

They fell into silence once again when their visitors left. Jade was the first one who went inside the house first and immediately made her way inside her room, leaving Perrie outside all alone. She's obviously avoiding her wife since all the memories from last night came back to her mind. When she was talking to Camila earlier, she forgot all that happened for a little while but now that they're alone again, all the thoughts flashed back. And that's why she's avoiding the blonde.

Just like right now.

When Jade opened her door to go downstairs, Perrie's door also flew open. And Jade was quick to close her door but not quick enough to not let Perrie in since the blonde used her arm to stop the brunette's door from closing. 

"Are you avoiding me?" She asked while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Of course not. Why would I do that anyway?" Jade was obviously playing safe with her answer.

"Is it because of what happened last night?" Perrie asked and Jade grew silent. "Are you mad at me because of that?" 

"I'm not mad at you..."

"Then tell me, why the hell are you avoiding me?!" She asked desperately. "Is it because I hurt you? Is that it? Then forgive me..." Perrie added.

"What are you saying?" 

"You can't walk properly. I know it was my fault." The blonde answered truthfully and it made Jade's cheeks blush. 

"No, that's not the reason. I'm just embarrassed, you know. I don't know what to say." The brunette said. 

The younger Geordie then pulled her close and engulfed her in a hug. 

"I thought you were mad at me again..." She whispered in the brunette's ear. And there go Jade's heart again. Her normal heartbeat always increases everytime she gets this close to her wife. 

"There's no reason for me to be mad at you, Perrie," Jade replied and returned the hug back. It was the very first time that they hugged each other at the same time. They spent the next few minutes like that before Perrie pulled away.

"Pack your stuff." Jade was caught in surprise because of what the blonde said. 'Will she kick me out of her house now? Why? What did I do wrong?' She asked herself and looked at her wife in confusion. 


"From now on, we'll be together in one room and we'll be sleeping in one bed only." And what she just said surprised the brunette even more. 'Oh no, this is bad.' She thought. 

"Are you serious?" 

"Yes. So go ahead and fix your things." Perrie said and smiled. Jade froze to her spot. Is her mind playing games with her right now or did she just saw the blonde smile? She knew it was true and real because she saw a dimple pop out on the left side of her cheek. And Jade admits that she loves to see her smile like that every day. 

"O-Okay..." She answered.

"I'll wait for you." The blonde said, a small smile still playing on her lips. And just before the brunette could close her door, Perrie once again pulled her close and smashed their lips together. It was one quick yet sweet kiss. "I can't get enough of your lips," Perrie admitted and pecked her lips once more before leaving the brunette alone.

Jade put a hand on her chest and felt her heartbeat. She could feel it beat hard and fast. And she knew that the reason to that was Perrie.


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