Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Camila's POV

This is it. The Neon Lights Tour. I remember what happened when we found out that we were going on tour with Demi. There were lots of tears involved...and peeing. I'm serious. I peed myself. And now we're finally sitting in the plane on our way to Vancouver, the first venue. I looked over to Lauren, who was sitting on the window seat on my right. She was leaning against the window, staring out into the darkness, with earbuds in her ears and she looked like she was in deep thoughts. She has been like this for months now but when we came back from our winter break it was worse. You know what I mean? She barely talked over the past two weeks. We only saw her during rehersal but that's it. Not even at breakfast, lunch or dinner. Lauren always had an excuse. I really wanted to know what was wrong with her because she's my best friend and I'm seriously worried. Yup, best awesome, beautiful, stunning and smart best friend. Oh, shit. I'm getting these thoughts again.

Two hours later we landed. We grabbed our hand bags and exited the plane. Outside we met Henry, our manager, waiting together with our suitcases. He came here one day early just to make sure everything's ready. "Hey ladies" he smiled "So...the first concert is in 2 days. I hope you're as ready and prepared as Nathan told me" Nathan was our choreographer by the case you care. "We should head to the hotel now. We're gonna leave Vancouver in three days and fly to San Jose, where the bus is waiting. Any questions? No? Okay then, let's go!"

Then he literally pushed us in the van. Henry's always in a hurry. This guy seriously needs to chill. After a 20 minute drive we arrived at the hotel. Since it was still in the middle of the night Henry told us to get some sleep after he gave us our key cards. I had to share a room with Lauren, which was awesome because I could finally ask her what was wrong. When we entered our room, we put our suitcases aside, getting ready for bed.

"Lauren?" I asked. She looked up but didn't say anything, so I continued "Are you okay? You seem a little down lately"

She gave me a weak smile:"I'm fine, Camz. Just a little stressed out. Nothing serious" As much as I wanted to believe her, I couldn't. But I decided to leave it for today and not push her to talk. She'll open up sooner or later, right? I really hope so. Then we went to bed without exchanging an other word.

I woke up the next day. When I looked through the room I noticed Lauren was gone. She's probably at breakfast...weird though, she didn't wake me up.

Lauren's POV

I went to the gym of the hotel right after I woke up. It's 9 AM now so I've been here for over two hours. Why am I working out? It's pretty simple. I gotta lose weight. If I wanna keep up with the girls and other celebrities I have to be skinny and beautiful. And in order to be that I have to work out skip meals. I know it sounds bad but it's really not. I'm completely fine...kind of. Yeah, I'm light headed, dizzy and cold all the time but besides that, everything is perfectly alright.

After doing exercises for another 20 minutes, I decided to go back to my room. I was sure that Camila was already awake and wondering where I was. I grabbed my water bottle and left the gym when I bumped into someone. When I looked up I saw the one and only Demi Lovato, gorg as always, standing there.

"Hey Lauren. Whattcha doing in the gym this early?" she asked.

"Hi Demi. Working out"

"Wow, really Capain Obvious? But why? It's half past nine and your band members are at breakfast right now"

"Umm...I woke up early and had breakfast at like 7 AM. The others were still asleep so I decided to work know?" I lied. She looked at me for a couple of seconds. I think she didn't believe me...

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