Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV

Oh shit...

We arrived at the hotel 20 minutes later. She led me up to her room which was a little bigger than ours and told me to sit down on the bed. All I could think about on our way, was about what she had said. Lunch... 

What am I supposed to do now? I can't just eat something! I've been strong for three days and I can't just ruin it. How doesn't Demi see that the last thing my body needs is food? "I'm not really hungry. I actually feel kinda sick to be honest," I lied with an ease, hoping she would belive me.

"But you said you were just tired," Demi furrowed her eyebrows.

"I didn't want the girls to worry about me..."

She looked at me for a couple of seconds before nodding, "Okay then. What do you wanna do?"

"Whatever you want, I guess," I shrugged.

Demi smiled, "Let's talk. You haven't told me what you did on your christmas break"

"Not much. I just spent time with my family and my friends. Went to the beach, had some fun, ate and slept a lot," I lied yet again. The truth was a little different. I avoided absolutely everyone close to me. I spent my time either working out or partying the pain away. I got drunk nearly every night and woke up next to a new guy every morning. The rest of the day I then spent taking care of my hangover and working out unitl I went to the next party. That's the sad truth. I know drinking is not a solution, especially when you're only 17, but it really does help. At least for a couple of hours. And then there was the other thing that happened...but I don't evenwanna think about it,

"Lauren? Demi to Lauren, can you hear me?" a voice ripped me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to see Demi staring at me. Worry and concern written all over her face. "Yeah?" I asked quietly.

"You spaced out...again. What's wrong? I'm sure there's something and you're hiding it from me. I can see it in your eyes. I really care about you girls, okay? And when something's bothering you, let me help you. You probably think I won't understand but believe me, I will. I once was 17, too. (A/N: I know Lauren's 18 but this story takes place during the NLT) I know about all the problems you go through as a teenager. Whether it's something like boy trouble, family drama or something a little more serious like bullying, cutting or an eating disorder. I've been there, Lauren. You can tell me and I promise I won't judge you," Demi said quietly as she kneeled down infront of me, taking my hands in hers. I tensed when she mentioned her eating disorder and I'm not sure if she had noticed. I lifted my head and looked at Demi, who was staring back at me suspiciously.

"It's nothing serious Demi. My best friend Alexa and I are fighting at the moment and it sucks," I lied. Improvisation at it's finest!

She gave me an understanding smile, "I'm sure you two will make up. If your friendship is meant to be, it will be". She squeezed my hands before standing up,"Let's go on YouTube!"

Demi went to the desk in the room and picked her laptop up. Then she climbed on the bed, sat down, leaning her back to the head rest. Then she patted at the space next to her, telling me to come sit next to her. Since you can't just say no to Demi Lovato, I sat down.

"Remember when you were on X-Factor? I'm in the mood for a little throwback," Demi smirked. What the hell is she talking about? Then I looked at what she typed in the YouTube search bar. Fifth Harmony X-Factor interview . She has to be kidding me? I groaned, "You're joking, right?" Demi giggled and shook her head no.

And that's how the torture began... She made me watch on interview after another. I couldn't help but notice that she kept looking from the screen to me. It was like she was comparing my old self to me know what I mean? "You look a little different now," she stated randomly.

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