Back to school

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As me and Aj walked to school, Aj went on about how he was about to bag all the jawns in Jeff. I had to say I'm more than happy that this was my last year, but I knew it was going to be difficult since me and Eli always had our last two classes together. I had to put in my head phones, because I realized Aj was feeling himself alil to much today.

'He's so damn extra', I thought to myself watching him take a video of himself on Snapchat. Once we got a block away from school I blasted the music in my ears, already knowing there was going to be chatter about Eli and I honestly just wanted to zone all that out. So that was exactly what I did once we reached the front of the school.

Seeing a couple of familiar faces, I smirked to acknowledge them and kept it pushing. I was now standing on line waiting to get into the school on the senior side as teachers called names and handed out schedules.

"AVA !"

I turned to see who was calling my name, as I put away my headphones . It was Kasiee running towards me.

"Hey kas"

"Wassup. You good ?" She said bringing me into a hug.

I nodded

"We got this" she said mimicking Eli's voice.

I smiled, she knew that would've cheered me up. Kasiee was my other best friend, we've known each other since second grade and besides the year that her mother sent her to D.R, we were inseparable. The year she left was the year I meet Eli and when she came back it was us three against the world.

I thought that would have lasted forever but I was wrong ..

"Ava? They're calling your name" Kasiee said nudging me.

"Ava'zin Taylor?? Going once? Going twice?" Principal Torres said through the hand mic. I quickly snapped out of it and raised my hand yelling here , not knowing that was going to start a feeding frenzy. As Mr. Torres walked over to me handing me my schedule it felt as though everyone stopped what they were doing, all the conversations had ceased, as every single persons eyes were glued towards me. I said my hellos to Mr. Torres, grabbing my schedule I headed inside after glancing over to the freshman line making sure Aj was okay. Seeing he had girls swarmed all around him, I shook my head at how much of a pretty boy he is.

Before I took my seat in the auditorium it felt like everyone was waiting to ask me questions. I was circled in. Feeling like I was drowning.

Everyone was talking so fast and at the same time, I was so overwhelmed.

"Ayo ya need to back the fuck up" Kassie said moving people back. People sucked their teeth as they went their separate ways.

"Thanks Kas."

"No problem best friend. Lets sit over here" she said pointing to the empty chairs towards the back. After about 10 minutes the school bell rung and everyone was now in the auditorium waiting to be dismissed to their first period class . Everyone looked towards the stage as Mr.Torres said his morning speech that consisted of welcoming everyone back and how he wants to have a successful year.

After a minute I tuned him out , I started to feel someone staring. So I pretended to go in my bag for something, just to turn around and see who was hawking me down . There was this boy I never seen before looking down at his phone, he looked up and smiled.

My heart damn near fell out my ass.

His smile..

"Best friend you staring", Kasiee snapped me out of my trance, making me turn back in my seat.

"Kas who is that ?"

"I don't know but he sure is looking daddyish" she said looking at me slyly.

I laughed at her silliness and glanced at the stage taking a double look and instantly got annoyed.

"Brea? What the fuck is she doing?" Kas said. I didnt even answer, I just watched her.

Kasiee - pov

I watched Ava and I could have sworn there was smoke coming out her ears like a cartoon character. Pissed was an understatement.

Brea was on stage putting on a show. She stood behind the podium talking about she wants to take the time out to remind everyone that Eli's anniversary was coming up and she was doing a candlelighting for him.

Brea was his girlfriend but in my opinion he loved Ava and she knew it. Some times I wish they told each other the truth about how they truly felt about one another, but then again you had to be blind not see it. But even then it was known, everyone knew it. They just never confirmed it.

Well that was for everyone but me. I knew. Ava was my best friend, and Eli was my only other close friend besides Ava. We fought for Ava's bestie title but seeing how after a while those feelings grew he stopped fighting and gave me my crown.I wore it proudly.

She brought down a screen as pictures of Elijah appeared followed by the song 'selfish' by pnb rock.

My blood started boiling, she was putting on a show and my girl Ava was truly hurting. She was gunna get hers.

"He didn't even like that song" I hear Ava say before she got up and stormed out. I ran after her.

"Ava, wait"

I finally caught up damn near dropping from how fast and hard I was running to catch up to her. You would've thought she was some damn track star.

"Bro he doesn't even like that song , she's putting on a show knowing damn well he knew everyone and was a goofy chill ass person . She's doing it for clout!!" Ava said without take a breath between sentences as her Puerto Rican accent seeped through. I was still trying to catch my breath, 'Damn I'm outta shape'

"I know best friend but don't worry about her she going to get hers.
'Ima beat her ass for getting Ava worked up' I thought. I pulled her into the bathroom to get herself together and after that we went our separate ways to class

"We got this ?"

"Yeah we got this".

Kasiee in 📷

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