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chickhwi: what's your blood type?

karaokeaddict:none of your business

chickhwi: neomuhae neomuhae~

karaokeaddict: seong woo hyung did better

chickhwi: really

chickhwi: who's side are you on?

chickhwi: did you even love me?

karaokeaddict: question my heart

chickhwi: dear baejin hyung heart

chickhwi: do you love your dear daehwi?

chickhwi: magu magu magu magu~

karaokeaddict: it said no

karaokeaddict: sorry poor daehwi

karaokeaddict: my heartue said i love jihooniee

chickhwi: imma go and stab jihoon hyung

karaokeaddict: okay i love you

karaokeaddict: just spare jihoon

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