Chapter 1

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"Yo, Miller! Let's go!  We're heading over to the roller coaster!"  Jimmy's voice rang through the air.

"Yeah, tell your hot sister you have to get off the phone and come on!  We don't have a lot of time before everything closes."  As usual, Aaron had to get his two cents in.

I rolled my eyes as my best friends hollered at me from across the fair grounds. The fair was still going to be in Santa Monica for another night but school was starting on Monday, and it was unlikely that we would make it here again as a group on Sunday.  It was the start of our senior year, and the guys and I were ready to rule our schools.  Football season was about to start, I was captain, and I was ready to rock.  All in all, I have a feeling this was going to be a fantastic year.

"Meg, I have to go.  The guys are waiting and everything is closing in about an hour.  Can I still come by tomorrow?"  I asked my older sister, Meghan.   As dorky as it sounds, she is my best friend in the world.  There were five kids in our family, plus two step siblings, but Meg practically raised me after our mother died when I was a baby, so we had a special bond.   She and her husband, Evan, had me over almost every Sunday for dinner so I could play with the kids and get a break from my dad and step mother.  Not that my parents were bad people--they were actually pretty awesome, but sometimes a little break was a good thing.

"Of course, Max.  Have a great time. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.  Evan and I have a surprise for you."

That piqued my interest.  "Is it a good surprise?"

She laughed, a sound that always made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.    My sister was one of those people who was always happy, and I don't blame her, she has a pretty sweet life.  "Of course it's a good surprise!   Evan and I picked it up today."

"So you're saying it's something I'll like?  Can I have a hint?"  If I knew my sister, she would cave and tell me what it is before she hung up the phone.  She is horrible at keeping secrets, which is hilarious considering when she and Evan first started dating back when they were in high school it was this big huge secret.   Those were different times, though.  We had these awesome family rules we all had to follow, and she pretty much broke all of them for him.  Good thing they got married, otherwise I am pretty sure my oldest brother Mike would have had a stroke over their entire relationship.

"One hint."  She relented.  "It's black."

"That's all you're giving me?"  I groaned.  "What happened to the girl who couldn't keep a secret to save her life?"

"Max! Let's go!" Brett interrupted.

I held up my finger to him.  "Meg, I have to run.  I'll see you at six tomorrow.  Love ya!"

"Love you, too, Max.  Have a great time!"

I spun around and looked at my friends, who were tapping their feet impatiently as they waited for me. Unbelievable.  Heaven forbid the three of them do something without me.  "Alright, let's go."  I told them as I started to walk in the direction of the roller coaster.

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