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He was definitely from another world. His body was only skeleton bones, but you wouldn't know because of the black smog that covered his whole body made him look like a shadow. He stuck around unlike a lot of others that came and left during the night. So I tried to talk to him a few time from a distance. He would stare and then wave. Staying under the cover of the trees.
I found out that he couldn't stand in sunlight because within second his black smog-like-skin would catch fire. It didn't kill him exactly, but it made things complicated. Way too complicated for me to understand. He also couldn't talk, but he could write in the dirt. He learned our language fairly quickly because he has this cool little power that lets him read minds. Which is, at times, unsettling, but you get used to talking without words and reading stuff in dirt.
He introduced himself with a girl name, stephanie, which was hilarious once he realized what the words 'boy' and 'girl' ment. While he doesn't exactly have facial expressions you could see the embarrassment and freakout that was going on up in his head. He decided finally on the name Shane, which I told him was dumb, but he liked it so whatever.
I was tired of talking to him only under a tree so I made stuff that would protect him from the sun. I made him this thing that was like a tiny hut's roof that was made out of animal skins and sticks. I also made him a jacket as a failsafe in case the tiny hut roof fell apart. I tried mud, but apparently water also melts his smog skin.
We were good, we were happy, but the local people were not happy. I hadn't been to the village for years, but a few months after being banned from the village a sickness had started to spread among the people. It had slowly been taking people away from them for years, and they had had enough of it. They need someone to blame for their misfortune. Who better that the monster by the forest, me.
They came in a horde and presented there sick. An elder man demanded that I lift the curse that I placed on the village and heal their sick. I told them I had no idea what they were talking about and that I didn't place a curse on their small town. 'So she admits that there is a curse on us... she must know who did it. She probably hired them to do it. She is just as guilty. She should be burned at the stake.' What? Really? I mean... really, but apparently the crowd agreed. I try to defend myself but the old man continues, 'We will have men come for you before twilight so that you don't have a chance to escape. If you are not guilty as you claim to be then you won't run and have whoever put this curse on remove it immediately.' With that he swishes his robe and walks off. The crowd slowly follows. WHAT?
I look over at Shane and he gives me a little shrug.

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