World Of Mirri

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I'm not dumb enough to stick around and wait for their thugs to come drag me off, so me and Shane head into the forest. I ask him about where we should go. I'm a little sick of this place. I'm a little sick of it's people. I know that we can't go to where he's from, but I don't want to stay here and I have no other ideas. He gives me his over the top philosophical answer. No one place is better than another, they are are all terrible and great. Except from where he's from, never go there. No help at all.
We walk for what feels like ages. Images of worlds flicker on and off.
The trees and soil turn coal black and the leaves turn crystal blue. They're so pretty. I reach out to touch the crystals, but Shane stops me. He writes that the crystals are poisonous to human blood, so that's a no. Next...
The trees disappear for a moment. Metal buildings appear so tall they could reach the stars, but the air smells of rust and it's difficult to breath. I turn away immediately to catch my breath, Definitely not. Next...
We fall into something different this time. It's the same, but different. The air is definitely not the same. Shane just strolls on through and points off in the distance. When I don't move he becomes more insistent and drags me along with him. He stops outside of a town, and just stares at me for a minute. When I just stare back, he rolls his head back and motions at my wings. Oh, I forgot. Once the giant target on my back vanished he wrote that I need to ask around and find out what this place is. He wanted to come with me but was afraid he'd scare the locals.
The people in town were very nice. Some of them even offered me a meal and asked if I was lost. I declined nicely and continued on my way. I found out eventually that this world is called Mirri, and that we are on the second largest continent, Valla. When I told Shane, he hopped around with joy. Then explained that as long as we stayed out of the war we'd be fine. I was confused at first, but would understand later what he really meant.
Nothing really exciting happens now. He helps me build a hut, I meet Eric, Guardian of the Sea and we become close friends. He meets Shane after a while and flips out thinking he might be some ghoul. I have to explain that Shane and I aren't from here. Then he really flips out when he sees my wings. I calms down after a bit. Going back to his normal cool, calm, and collected self. He new about different worlds and had met people, just not people as strange as us I guess. I think he meant it as a compliment, but I wasn't sure.
How I became Angella, Guardian of the Sky is a sad story. It's also how I lost shane to Ahago... which is the prison for the souls of the dead. This was before the war that you may learn about later or you might have already heard of. The previous Guardian of the Sky mind had been corrupted by a vengeful necromancer that went by the name of Gabriel. Gabriel was sentenced to death by the king for failing to cure the queen's illness. He became mad, escaped his death penalty, and planned to kill the king.
Eric, Garrett, Shane, and me were sent to slay both Gabriel and the Guardian of the Sky. Shane was pushed into the sea, and dissipated within second of falling into the water. There was nothing I could do, again. Again. It happens again and again... and again. Eric wouldn't even have been able to save him, and he was the basically the king of the sea. I was sick of it, so sick of it. I had to do something...
I don't know what exactly I did, but I was covered in blood by the end of it. Gabriel and the old Guardian of the Sky were dead. I had become the new Guardian of the Sky, but I was too late to stop what has already happened. Eric recovered Shane's remains, which if you didn't know already were bones. Good thing I know how to fix things. I had a plan and this time will be different than before. I'm not a kid anymore. I will go to Ahago, get Shane back, return his soul to his body, and nothing will stop me unless it kills me.
But... it seem that I must wait a little longer than expected. The king passes from heart failure in his old age, and his oldest child takes the throne, Alessa. There's a complication though. Alessa is a twin. Her sister, Saclorah, feels cheated. She had hoped that they would rule together. Alessa told her that it was an option that was no longer available. Saclorah's behavior was to unstable to properly rule a kingdom. Saclorah was determined to prove her wrong. Saclorah started a rebellion in the land, gaining support from the people at the far corner then spreading like wildfire. So the War Between Twins began, and I was unwillingly dragged into the middle of it.

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