New World Coming

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Chapter 3

In the meantime; Mia, Alex and the others are faced with Miss Vanderpool's Children. They followed the children as Emily was flying so much and tries to use her air powers to try and stop the soldiers but it was hopeless so she uses a storm of wind to get them away from the city! She somehow got the attention of Mia! He was surprised to see it. "What was that?" Mia asked. "What?" inquired Alex, trying to see but couldn't. "I thought I saw someone." Mia said, pointing over. Then, she saw someone flying as Mia called out, "Look!" Just then, Emily appeared before Alex and his friends as she has her arms out. "Who are you?" Alex hollered. Emily called out, "Listen everyone--You're in terrible danger; these people have done far too much killing to innocent lives. My powers won't do anything to stop them now!" Perplexed; Mia thinks Emily is leading them into a trap so she and the gang try to attack the flying girl! Just then; Miss Vanderpool's children steps forward to protect Emily from harm. "What are they?" thought Alex. The children defend Emily as they fight Mia, Alex and their friends. The children were teenagers and kids with special powers. Emily is shown to have the ability to float; however, she has no control of her levitation, as she needs to wear lead shoes and keep a rope around her to make sure she didn't float away. Her levitation has been described as more of being lighter than air rather than being able to actually levitate. Suiting her status as being lighter than air, she has the ability to manipulate air by blowing large and powerful jet streams of wind that is powerful enough to pin a fully grown man against a wall, and fill a whole underwater ship with air. Astor's power is the ability to produce and manipulate fire through her hands. However, she has very little control of her abilities and often accidentally burns her surroundings if she doesn't wear her rubber gloves. Chris is cable of briefly bringing life into all non-living things by implanting a vital organ, usually a heart, from another living being's body. As effective as his peculiarity is, it is sometimes long process to activate, as he needs time to implant the organ. Once his puppet is functioning, it is under Chris's full control and can only do what he tells it to do during the brief time it is alive. He spends a lot of his time stitching parts of toys together to make an odd, disfigured creature, in which he'll bring to 'life' with a heart. He has a vast collection of hearts kept pickled in jars. Speedy Gluttenberg with the ability of being able to control the stinger bugs that live in his stomach. Another boy, name Harold, with the ability of prophetic dreams. Oliver has the ability of invisibility. One of the strange children is an Irish girl, name Dodie, with the ability of growing plants rapidly, and in whatever shape she wants. Another of the strange children is a Welsh girl, Ava, with the ability of super strength and unbreakable skin. Serenity is a little girl with the peculiarity of having a back-mouth. She's rather withdrawn, especially when it comes to eating with other children, because of her back-mouth. And Crayon was gifted with body like rubber, he poses as a contortionist. Mia is shocked by this; she never encountered children quite like all of them with a hint of strangeness! "Whoa..." Mia managed to say. It was then a battle broke out before Mia could stop them until a gust of wind from wings emerged and halted the battle. That's when Miss Vanderpool, who reveals her wings, calmly spoke up that everyone can hear her, "This has been a big misunderstanding; please we are only trying to help each other!" All at once, they all stopped and managed to come to a consideration and became allied with Evermore! In the meantime; Sylver visits her friends—Corentine 'Cora', Betty and Anna-Ray—from her treatment with a traumatic event. It turns out Sylver had to deal with an online predator and thought she found love however she was shocked to eventually learn on how explicit and manipulative he was that Sylver contemplate suicide, she also had a breakdown and was violent however she got medicated for her violent behavior, and she has been doing better. Sylver hopes to stay that way, for now, at least. In the meantime; Katrina is training with Dawson and Roscoe. "Admit it, I am awesome!" She said. Seeing Roscoe having his teeth spit up and a little blood; Dawson speaks up: "Are you crazy to participate in this? People like you will likely get in the way of your reckless bullshit." Roscoe glares at him, "Somebody's gotta stop them. And that person is me." He declared. Dawson gives him a look while saying, "You? Please, you might as well as be useless. How would you know if you would be a liability against the monsters?" Roscoe was annoyed, "Well, after training; most of us aren't inexperienced. I mean, we have new knowledge that surrounds the Fury Family because most of us have been wiped out and here we have people like you, me and the rest. So do me a favor and shut up, because you sound like we're all going to die." He declared. Then, Roscoe paused enough to sneer at Dawson and say: "Maybe it's because you're scared of the Infestations." Dawson got mad, "What was that?" He demanded. He approached Roscoe, who said to him with a dark smirk on his face: "You are nothing to anyone. You wouldn't stand a chance; you'll probably pissed yourself out of fear." Dawson is about to beat him however he stops himself and asked, "You'd ever seen how these monsters reproduce?" Roscoe looked at him, "What?" He asked. "Do they have a female mound or a male shaft? Hmm? No, you don't see it, it's like with a cat, you can't exactly tell if they are either a male or female species. It's left ambiguous, so how is there so many of them? Tell me that." Dawson quipped. "What? You think I'm stupid? I've seen many of them, maybe not in person but I can't tell what kind of gender they are. Besides, someone like you shouldn't talk big for saying shit like this, spoiled brat." Roscoe taunted. Dawson then mocked him saying, "You know what? Same goes for you, I heard that some guy was pretty messed up by how he lost his wife....Your own mother, boy what a momma's boy." Roscoe got angry, "BASTARD!!!" He exclaimed and the two nearly got into a fight. Katrina try to break them apart however Roscoe, in his anger, didn't know his own strength for he accidentally put a hand through Katrina's chest. Hard. Katrina immediately collapsed to the floor, Dawson and Roscoe are shocked by this. However, to their surprise; Katrina rose back like a normal person but noticed their staring. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" She demanded. "Katrina...Is that you? What happened to you?" Dawson uttered. "Good God, I...I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I didn't know!" claimed Roscoe. Confused; Katrina rushed to the mirror and saw the cause of the distress. Her lips were burnt to a deep shade of red. Her face was turned into a pure white color, and her hair looked like it was scorched. She slowly put her hands to her shoulders. Katrina looked back at the boys then back at the mirror. "Kat, you don't look that bad...." Dawson started to say. "What do you mean? I'm beautiful." Whispered Katrina. The boys were equally surprised. Mesmerized by her reflection, she struggles to get to her feet. Once up, something strikes inside her as being darkly funny—this caused Dawson and Roscoe to become nervous. What they could see is that Katrina is in all white except her black hair and eyes. Her arms are seeping with fresh blood from the huge wound in the place of her chest is, which has blood running from it. Her new appearance was shining brightly in the light. Something dawn on her as being absolute insanity and Katrina stands in the light, shrieking with laughter. Meanwhile; Chloe took a job with being an assistant for the children. She worked with the children, who love her very much. The kids were Lyka, Amos, Philip, Myrtle, Dryden and Dion. The teachers and teaching assistants adore Chloe too; their names are Mrs. Dorcon, Ms. Lamon, Mrs. Gnathon and Ms. Nape--Even Principal Daphne likes her too! The elementary mornings go like this: There is prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, sing along, they have to do work, and one of the students have learning therapy. Then they go out for P.E., the children finally come back to go to the bathroom, a little break of snack before going back to class, and have lunch. In the afternoons; the children music, and they go outside to play. The kids in the middle school have a different lesson in class: then they go back to do their work, and finally they have lunch. They have music or some of them are having physical or learning therapy. And lastly they go home. Things got more frightened when a young, eccentric man name Demetri Hale, who is bored of the sentimental normality of his life. When he first met Chloe; Demetri hasn't fallen for a girl in a while, and he hooked on her. The tingle he gets in his makes him feels alive! He's feeling awfully amorous. He writes letters to claim his love for her. But Chloe was flattered until she is disturbed to find Demetri has an insatiable interest in Chloe and try to advance her while declaring his love for her. Chloe laughed, however Demetri could not stop flirting and trying to make more intimate moves. Chloe refused him and Demetri became violent, until the teachers and assistants told him to stop pestering her. Demetri was screaming: "WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME?!" As Lingens and Major calmed him down, Principal Walker apologized for this and promises to make it up to her. Chloe thanked her. Then, something changed her life forever as she got a text on her phone that said, "IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU, NOBODY CAN!!! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A TEACHER'S PET AND A PRINCIPAL'S LAP DOG!!!! JUST WAIT, I HAVE A SPECIAL SURPRISE FOR YOU!!!!" Entering inside the school; Chloe looked in one of the classrooms to see the children having dinner but it ends up badly as she watched in horror as one of them choked to death as the other kids watch in horror. The nine kids couldn't sleep of what they saw but they finally went to sleep and one of them was found with their throat torn open. The eight couldn't stay in each of the rooms however one of them didn't believe there was something wrong here and decided to sleep but he never came out of his room. Seven waited, while they wait; they cut up some fruits and vegetables. One of them cut his hands by accident and bled to death. Now there were six of them as they were trying to probe a beehive. But one of them got stung by a lot of bees and he drowned into the river for he couldn't swim. Five left as they got lost in the woods but one of them caught by a hermit as he was never seen again. Now, four went by the sea as a whale came and swallowed one of them. Three went to another forest which was forbidden and was mauled by a bear. Two were lost and no place to go, they were dehydrated and try to find water. One of them died from lack of thirst and one was left. But in his devastation; the last threw himself off a cliff, and then there were none. Chloe was so scared, she couldn't believe this was happening. She heard something was coming and she hid in the closet. She had to stay quiet, Chloe didn't want to be found out. That's when the person enters and Chloe couldn't believe who it was: Demetri! He looked around as he saw the massacre. Chloe covered her mouth to keep her from breathing, "He killed them?! Those deadly traps, it was all him!" She thought. Then, she heard a gun go off and something fell. Chloe was too scared but she peeked out from the door and gasped. Demetri laid on the floor, a gun was beside him as he laid there motionless. "He...shot himself?!" thought Chloe. She rushed out, eyes blurred with tears as she couldn't believe this was happening. And she feared guns because of what happened to Demetri. However she stopped by the exit to see someone was sitting at the table motionless and Chloe let out a scream, it was Demetri's mother's body. She had been killed by her own son! Turning the knob of the door, Chloe rushed out in a variety of emotions: Fear and sadness. In the meantime; Randi had to get into the mall. The mall was huge and big, escalators all around and shops that surround her. Above her was a large skylight, shaped like a hexagon and made the mall inside bright like heaven was shining down, a sign to say it was going to be a good day. As she was walking, she noticed something was up when she passed the entrance and only about more than a few gunmen came in and that's when it all began! A shooting, shots were everywhere. Randi was so scared so she ducked into one of the booths, pretending to be dead so they wouldn't find her. It was oh so quiet that she could hear the cheerful music playing overhead and she passed out in the silence until she felt someone beside him, "Poor sweet girl...." said a man's voice. She looked up, "Help me..." She whimpered. The man was surprised that she was still alive and helped her up. She and other survivors got out of there but she was in tears at what she saw. She heard that there were more people being held hostage.

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