It's Over Now, The Fury of the Night

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Chapter 5

While in the chaos; Maggie, Lola, Yoichi and Kimizuki were separated from their teams and were swung into a building. They try to open the door that closed behind them when all of a sudden they are confronted by soldiers. "There they are, take them down!" The soldier commanded. Just as the soldiers advanced towards the four of them when all of a sudden, the lights flickered back and forth as there was a commotion of shouting coming from the soldiers: "What the hell?!" One said. "Man down, man down!" Another cried. The colors in the lights of red were sprayed across the hall. Later, the lights stopped flickering and came on. There was a figure stood amongst the dead bodies of soldiers. The four were surprised as they were relieved to see this person was the one that rescued them. "You saved us, thank you!" Maggie said with delight. "Yeah, thanks." Agreed Yoichi. The figure slowly turned around, she smiled darkly. "You're welcome..." It was Pansy Fury as she stared at them with an eerie grin. Maggie, Lola, Yoichi and Kimizuki stared in horror. "OH MY GOD!!!" exclaimed Aricia. The four of them prepared to fight but were surprised to see that Pansy held her hands up and being reassuring. "I come in peace and want to take you to a world of my own." Pansy assured them. Maggie wasn't sure about trusting someone like Pansy, she looked over at Lola who already spoke up: "We want to get out of here, not go to your world Pansy!" Pansy's smile widened, "Wanna hear something cool? Ever heard of 'daydream believer'? 'Pie in the sky'? 'Castle in the sky'? Well, the realistic people once say you shouldn't have your head in the clouds, you must keep your feet more grounded than have them in flights of fantasy. The only way out of this tower is going from up to down." She explained. The four of them stared at Pansy's expression. "You're kidding." Maggie finally said. Pansy shook her head, "Nope. I wish I were." She replied. "Shit." Kimizuki said under his breath. Pansy then beckoned them to a wallpaper and peeled it off as it is revealed to have a hole in the wall and down there was an abyss to wherever it leads. "All right Alice, down the rabbit hole you go!" Pansy said in a faux British accent. But the gang weren't too sure so Pansy leaped in first as a demonstration. Maggie was keen on it and decides to go in, Lola and the boys were worried but Maggie grinned at her friends. "All you need to know is that everything will be OK." Maggie reassured, and then she fell in. Lola, Yoichi and Kimizuki were horrified. "OH GOD!!! MAGGIE!!! ARE YOU OK, MAGGIE?!" Lola cried. There was silence until Maggie's ringed out: "COME ON, YOU GOTTA COME DOWN HERE AND SEE THIS!!!" Lola and the other two guys were relieved. Lola took a deep breath and looked over her shoulder, "Nice knowing ya boys." She said with a wink before taking a leap of faith. It wasn't long until Yoichi and Kimizuki followed in suite. They were falling for some time but there was colors and images they could see but then, all four landed as Pansy leads them to a room where there was a small table. Two bottles were on there as well as two pills. And also, a note that reads: "Here are some good advice...One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small. Best taken now than later." So; Maggie and Lola consumed each a bottle that caused them cramps and how they lack energy but they took a pill and swallowed that. However, that pill caused the two girls bloating and their emotions to be overwhelming them such as sadness and anger. But their emotions combined with their powers were a really bad thing but they took the bottles they consumed earlier again and nearly passed out. After a while, Maggie and Lola were feeling better. Yoichi couldn't help but ask, "So where are we going?" Pansy said, "We're going to find the Munchkins in the Emerald City." Just then, Kimizuki replied back sarcastically, "Oh! So we're following the yellow brick road huh." Yoichi beamed while chuckling quietly. Pansy giggled, "No, silly. We're flying to Neverland." She said teasingly. "Flying? That's nice." Lola said. Later on; they came across children working with one another. The children saw Pansy and the others approaching "How are my brethren doing?" Pansy asked, directly to the Corruptions. "Quite fine, love. Thanks." Said one of the Corruption children. "Yes, we are doing sw..." The second chimed in. But Pansy interrupted with a stern, "SILENCE!!!" The Corruption kids gasped. "You will speak when spoken to!" Pansy scolded. Yoichi spoke up, "Uh...He was spoken." He said. "NONSENSE!!! One voice at a time, no interruptions! At all!" Just then, there were mewing sounds and the gang looked to see Corruptions had also have animals. Cats and dogs as well as rabbits as well with other cute animals. There were many sights to see as well as great things. After all the excitement of giving the gang the tour of a lifetime; Pansy was getting under the covers to take a nap when Yoichi appeared: "Pansy? Sorry to bother you, but I have a question..." There was no answer from Pansy. Yoichi timidly continued, "I was wondering if you have any food. I don't think we can find the cook or the kitchen. We got lost many times...We're really hungry, Pansy." He looked over at Pansy who didn't reply back. "P..Pa...Pansy?" Yoichi asked gently. "Why do you keep talk? Talk? Talking? Don't you ever stop for one friggin' second?!" Pansy said with irritation. Yoichi was taken aback as he try to take back, "I..." He tried to say however Pansy interrupts, "I need to sleep!" She said with emphasis. "I—sorry Pansy. I was just hungry, I mean um...we're all hungry." Yoichi said timidly. Pansy gritted her teeth as she sat up while saying in a loud voice: "Oh, if you're that hungry, why don't you go AND EAT SHIT YOU ANNOYING BRAT!!!" She then collapses on the bed and heard feet leaving. Pansy cursed herself and felt bad for what she said. After her nap; Pansy noticed Yoichi was having his back turn, "Yoichi?" She asked timidly. Yoichi turned around as his eyes were brined with tears. "Are you OK?" Pansy inquired. Yoichi nodded, "Uh yes..." He managed to say while crying, "I—I'm fine...." But covered his eyes with one arm but his sleeve was stained with tears. Pansy realized what she done, "I'm so sorry." She said as she was crying too. Pansy reached over to touch Yoichi but he reluctantly moved away. Pansy continued to speak to him, "I didn't mean to yell at you...I'll make it up to you, OK?...What are you in the mood for? Tell me." Her tearful voice was gentle and sweet. "I—I'm not hun—hun—hungry any—any—anymore...R...rea....really." Yoichi stammered. Pansy felt bad so she found the Corruption cook and requested a feast will be made. She was going to make them all happy one way or another! While they were eating; Pansy was wearing a smile to her face as Maggie, Lola, Yoichi and Kimizuki were eating but they were glancing at Pansy with concern. However, Pansy excused herself for a moment and that's when the gang thought they heard a loud sound. They checked to see but saw no one so they shrugged it off as just simply random noises. Maggie and the gang returned to eating their food but soon they felt drowsy as they walked away while feeling drowsy, their stomachs were aching from the meal but they passed on the ground. Maggie, Lola, Yoichi and Kimizuki woke up to see their hands were tied behind them and looked up to see a hunchback figure. The Corruption was Dumpsey, who was a grotesque looking man who was mentally disabled and hulking. He wore a gray tunic, matching trousers, brown slippers and he has such round black eyes. "Huh hoo hoo!" Dumpsey said with that goofy, wild abundant laugh of his. "Dumpsey wants to play with guests." Maggie got scared, "Stay away from us, please!" She begged. "No, no. Friends will obey to Dumpsey. Dumpsey will have fun with you." Dumpsey said with his laugh. "Go away! Leave us alone!" Lola screamed. But Dumpsey did not heed to them as the four of them turned away in fear but somehow by a miracle, they were saved. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" A voice exclaimed. Dumpsey stopped in his tracks, he turned and saw Pansy standing there, arms crossed as she looked mad. Dumpsey smiled sheepishly, "Huh—hoo—hoo!" He laughed then he added: "Mistress Pannie, Dumpsey has friends to play with! Dumpsey wants to have fun with guests." Pansy gave a fake smile and approached the hulking Corruption. "Oh, is that so? Well, my dear friend....I'm afraid you're in trouble with me." Pansy said. "Mistress Pannie, Dumpsey..." Dumpsey was trying to protest however Pansy yelled at him, "YOU OAF!!! HOW DARE YOU PUT FEAR UPON THEM BY BINDING THEM THIS WAY!!! YOU BASTARD!!!" She beats up Dumpsey who was on the floor as he squealed and whimpered like a pig. In her anger; Pansy repeatedly kicked at Dumpsey, who was bawling loudly, while she screeched: "THIS! IS! WHAT! YOU! GET! FOR MESSING! WITH MY! GUESTS!!!" She finally released him as she shrieked, "GO HOME TO YOUR MOTHER!!!" Pansy released Lola and Maggie, she tells them to wait outside as she has to have a chat with Yoichi and Kimizuki. Once the two girls were freed and they left the room; Pansy stared down at Yoichi and Kimizuki hard, she puffed out a breath before speaking. "I told you to be careful around these Corruptions and you disobeyed me. You trying to make me worried? Me, a mentally disturbed savant girl who is psychologically impaired, are you trying to make me sick to death?!" It was quiet for a moment until Pansy turned her head to the Corruptions standing in the doorway and she exclaimed, "YOU TWO!!! GET THOSE BLOODY BOUNDS OFF THEM RIGHT NOW!!" The Corruptions obeyed and removed the bounds from Yoichi and Kimizuki's wrists. Pansy was pulling out at her hair, where she exclaimed with each emphasis felt like a verbal stab: "Is this...the only KEEP YOU FROM SUCH TORTURE!!! AND NOT REPEAT THE WAY KURETO HIRAGI DID TO YOU BOTH!!!" Yoichi then spoke out, "Sorry, Mora...I didn't know he was going to do that." Pansy loomed over them with a tight smile across her face. "I'll make sure no one hurts you boys again, all right you guys? No one's gonna torture ever again..." She said in a sweet but unbalanced tone in her voice. Then, she exclaimed in a voice that startled both Yoichi and Kimizuki: "...NO ONE!!!" She turned and left the room. Once Pansy calmed down, she and the others were proceeding down to the way out when they noticed someone was waiting for them. There stood a Corruption woman who approached Pansy, Maggie, Yoichi, Lola and Kimizuki. The woman has her hair in a vintage style of crown plaits, she has a death-like appearance of waxen skin, eyes so bright that they were piercing as they could stare into anyone's soul. She resembled a maid with a navy blue dress that reached the floor almost, long sleeves; an attacked apron trimmed with lace, gray sheer tights and polished knee high boots. This woman was Dumpsey's mother, Deema. "Lady Pansy, I would like to apologize for my son's actions." Said Deema. Pansy managed to smile as she said, "You are always forgiven Deema. Keep your son away from our guests next time." Deema feebly nodded, she then turned her attention to Kimizuki and encircled around him while keeping her gaze upon him before leaving out of sight. Kimizuki felt unsettled from her presence. "Be careful of Deema, she's a hell lot worse than Dumpsey." Pansy whispered to the gang. Kimizuki nodded, "Got it." He said. Pansy glared at him, "Don't take this lightly Kimizuki." She said firmly. Now it was Kimizuki's turn to glare back at Mora, "I'm not. After the incident with Dumpsey; I don't need to piss you off again." He remarked. Pansy stared at Kimizuki in amazement before patting his shoulder, "Thank you." She said. She turned to Lola and Yoichi while whispering to them, "Good man." And walked off with the others following. They were walking downward as they came across some strange Corruption women who were having tea but when Pansy and the others appeared they stopped as they were grateful to see her. "Lady Pansy, hello there!" The ladies said in unison. Pansy waved back, "Hello ladies, I see you're having a tea party and thought I stopped by." She said. "M'lady, who are these newcomers?" said one of the Corruption girls. "Why, these people are guests. Can't you tell?" One of the girls stared back at Yoichi and Kimizuki, "Oh...!" She said softly. A smile appeared, she frantically made her way over to Evan as she pushed him towards the wall. She was smiling from ear to ear at Kimizuki who looked rather scared, "It's you!" She mumbled. Kimizuki was awkward at this sight, but the other girls argued: "No, it's not! That could be an imposter!" The others gasped, "An imposter?" But the other girl who pinned Kimizuki to the wall said, "It's absolutely them! You are Shiho Kimizuki, I know you anywhere!" She then turned to the other girls as she said, "I know 'em anywhere!" The girls giggled while applauding with excitement. "Oh, that reminds me. We have someone hear to show you. One moment, please." Said one of the women. It wasn't long until the Corruption ladies brought out someone of a figure being wheeled in. The person in the chair was strapped to the chair and wore a brown bag over his head. But when the bag was removed, it was none other than Seishiro Hiragi himself. He was battered, bruised, and bloodied. Boy, he was pissed! Maggie, Lola, Yoichi and Kimizuki are shocked by this as the girls giggled maniacally and clapped happily. "We want to show you our criminal to be set for a trial." Said one of the girls. Pansy grinned, "Excellent! Take him to court, we'll be there." She instructed. The ladies did what they were told; Lola had something on her mind that's been bothering her. "I wonder...How come these Corruptions aren't planning on hurting us or doing anything." She stated to her friends. But she did not expect the Corruptions would be listening because they turned and smiled. "Fret not, my dear friends. Mistress Pansy wants to keep you all safe and we have no intentions of harming you." Said one of the Corruptions. "Why do I get the feeling that's not reassuring?" Maggie remarked. They enter the courtroom where there was dozens of Corruptions but the chatter quieted down when a voice announced: "All rise." The guards wait for everyone-except the judge- to stand. They do as the voice announced again, "Court is now in session. Mistress Pansy Fury presiding. Please be seated."All were seated as Pansy appeared. "Let the trial begin!" Pansy exclaimed as she walked in. Maggie, Lola, Yoichi and Kimizuki could only watched from the back as the trial begins. "Mistress Pansy... members of the jury... loyal subjects...The prisoner at the bar is charged with enticing his way into our home and thereby willfully and with malice aforethought, teasing, tormenting, and otherwise annoying our beloved darling..." The Corruption said while ranting but Pansy exclaimed, startling him. "Never mind all that! Get to the part where I lose my temper." She said with excitement. The Corruption nodded as he concluded, "Right, right, right! Thereby causing the mistress to lose her temper." Pansy nodded as she turned to Seishiro, "Now, Ha ha... are you ready for your sentence?" Seishiro looked at her in disbelief, "Sentence? Idiots, there must be a verdict first!" He exclaimed. Pansy pointed a finger, "Sentence first! Verdict afterwards." She confirmed. "You morons, that just isn't the way!" Seishiro declared. Pansy glared back at him as she is about to exclaim, "All ways are..." But a Corruptioin from the crowd in the courtroom finished for her, "...Your ways, m'lady." Pansy beamed, "Yes...His sentence will be known as a form of punishment." That's when the opening statement came about. This is when the attorney can tell the jury what evidence they will present during the trial. The district attorney goes as he stated, "Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: the defendant has been charged with the crime of being a Hiragi such as subjecting others of bullying, abuse, verbal mistreatment and other things necessary that he must be punished of. The evidence will show that the footage we have that the perpetrator used against others. The evidence I present will prove to you that the defendant is guilty as charged." The MPD was brought in and then, a projection of a memory was played out that shocked the people in the courtroom! Maggie, Lola, Yoichi and Kimizuki were shocked: The memory that was shown is of Sayuri being bullied and humiliated by Seishiro himself, where Sayuri was half naked as the crowd chanted at her to take off all her clothes. The Corruptions protested loudly than ever. "Photographic proof! Seishiro's a goner." Said one. The second commented, "I would be ashamed as well if I had done that!" The third begins to weep, "I'll never look at the insidious bastard again, he's an offense to men and women alike!" She said through her tears. A fourth also said, "He is despicable!" A fifth also cried out, "How could he do such a thing?!" Seishiro was in disbelief, "HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIND THAT?!" He demanded. Pansy laughed evilly, "I'll never let you know on that." She stated. The court room erupted in anger and yelling about different ways to punish Seishiro such as decapitation, hang him on the gallows, electric chair and other deadly punishments. That's when Seishiro managed to cut himself loose and try to wreck havoc. Everyone screamed, Maggie and her friends made an escape with Pansy awaiting from the doorway as she leads them away. After the chaotic trial and Seishiro escaped; Pansy leads Maggie, Lola, Yoichi and Kimizuki to the exit after reaching the downstairs part. But then, they heard footsteps and Deema approached. They turned but soon they were horrified to see that Deema held a fire poker stick in her hand as well as herself laughing like a maniac. She stopped as she said in a creepy monotone, "Blood...Flesh...Human. You defiling creature, you allow that Seraph Boy...This alluring witch before you into you again and again but you are allowed to do that because you are a precious little human. Precious little human...precious little human...Precious little human....Pr—prec—precious—li—lit—lit—little—hu—hu—hu—hum—hum—hum—human..." She begins to laugh and tries to attack Pansy and the others but they fought back and defeated Deema. Maggie, Lola, Yoichi and Kimizuki were making their way to the exit but Pansy blocked them. "Why can't you stay here? I won't let you!" She said while begging. "Pansy, you promised to help us!" Maggie pointed out. "NO, NO, YOU'RE THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS!!!" But Lola flexed her hand out while whispering, "Sorry..." She used her powers to move Pansy away and they left her. But Pansy let out a horrendous wail. "DON'T LEAVE ME!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!! I'LL DIE WITHOUT YOU!!" Pansy exclaimed while Maggie, Lola, Yoichi and Kimizuki ran off!

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