The Accident

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Author's Note: hey people this is the author and here is the thing for people who have read my other book you may recognize the names I use in this book there are two reasons for this first of all I like putting me and my  friends in storys the second reason is I am also not very original when it comes to giving characters names. Another thing before this story begins I well be using the original names from the universe that our heroes travel to so if you here a name that is already copyrighted or something realize that I do not own these characters and I am simply using them in my story. 

Hey my name is Charles these are my 3 best friends Sam, Christian, and Keygan today we bought the last 4 "Deep Dive Helms" which are helmets that allow us to pretty much transport us into any television show, movie, or video game. Since there were only 4 left in stock when we bought them we thought ah why the hell not lets give this a try. I decided that we could all just go to our separate houses since we all lived on our own legally because we were all 18 years of age or older. So I figured out how to link up all the helms into a link system so we would all be together instead of being a part. After we all got everything set up we joined a quick Skype call to make sure everyone was ready everyone was and we all got into our head sets and turned them on. Little to our knowledge we were about to find ourselves in a completely black room with each other. I tried the link system to make sure that we could all still hear each other and found that the system was gone but we could still hear each other not only that but we could touch and feel each other as well. Once a little time past we heard a voice from behind us it was a very strict female voice which sounded very disappointed.  It said, "Tsk Tsk I hoped I would never be activated but apparently people still just don't want to read instructions. Oh well, you 4 have been transported into the Deep Dive Helm and are being punished for not reading the F***ing instructions." We all looked at each other silently until Sam said, "So you guys didn't read the instructions either?" We all nodded in agreement then the voice continued, "Now since you must be punished send one of you forward and that person well be scanned then you 4 well be transported to that persons least favorite genre of television." Sam and I smirked at each other we both knew what to do we grabbed Keygan who we both knew hated anime, which we both loved, and put him on the scanning platform. A bright green beam scanned him from head to toe and then we were transported into a completely white room. We heard the voice again and it said, "Since you well be in the television for the rest of you lives you can choose you appearance and I will also allow you to bring or create one thing to take into the new world." I looked at Sam and said, "Hey we should make each other's new look don't you agree Sam?" He shook his head as he headed into a room that was labeled with my name on it I went to Sam's room and the other two went to their own rooms. About half way through Sam and I changed as well to choose our own item to bring into the new world. For me it couldn't be an easier decision to make. I had been coming up with this idea I called it the "Staff of Creation" it could form any melee weapon with the staff growing or shrinking to fit the purple metal that formed any bland or anything of the sort, I also gave it the ability to form a shield and armor along with a weapon all at the same time all I had to do is say break after every create also when I was done with what ever I made I had to say destroy to make it shatter and hit the ground before disappearing.

While I was making my staff of creation I was wondering what the other had chosen as their items. After I was done making my staff I hit a button that said done and it teleported me into a world of anime I was so excited I could hardly wait for the others to finish their  creations. It wasn't long before Keygan showed up with a shot gun which he told me never ran out of ammo. Sam was the next one to show up and in his hand he held what looked like some kind of remote. Christian finally showed up with a book which he said was magic. Now Sam and Keygan were laughing before Christian showed up and I saw why when I looked into a shop window, Sam when designing my character had apparently turned my into a girl we also chose new names so Sam was now James, Keygan kept Keygan, Christian kept Christian, and Sam changed my name to Charlotte which was just the female form of my name.  I looked at Sam who now was quite muscular and looked almost the same as he did in real life Christian did the same as him keeping his same look but more muscular as for Keygan he just stayed the same. Then there was me who was kind of short a lot shorter than I was in real life had long hair that went down to my lower back my hair color had become a light brown instead of the dark brown that it normally was as for other things I had an average anime girl hour glass body shape and as for my new bust which was more disorientating than I thought they were quite large but still fit my body size which was kind of skinny. I was kind of bad at Sam but at the same time it felt like I was getting used to my new body almost as if it was more natural for me in the first place. But I still decided to try out my staff on Sam I said, "Create!" and imagined a round mace that would hurt but not kill I found out that I could wield this weapon incredibly well and hit Sam or James as he is now him the stomach so that he would get hurt but defiantly not die. He held his stomach for a second  before asking, "What was that for?" I just pointed at my new body. The weirdest thing about being in this new form was that I still wanted to have a girl friend I thought that I would start liking guys but no apparently I still wanted to date girls even though I was one. I mean in the real world a lot of my old friends were gay or lesbian but I had never seen a gay or a lesbian in anime. All I knew was that we were in an anime I was now a lesbian and it was going to be awesome.

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