New Friends

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"Dauntless born go with Lauren,transfers stay with me. Go. Most of the time I work in intelligence but during training I'll be your instructor along with Eric. My names four." The guy said once we were all down.
"Four like the number?" Chris asked.
"Exactly like the number"
"What, one through three were taken?"
"What's your name?" Oh shit, shits about to go down.
"Well Christina the first lesson you learn from me if you want to survive here is keep your mouth shut, do you understand me?" He got up in her face.
"Yes" Chris mumbled, scared.
"Good, follow me" he walked off as we followed him.
"This is the pit. The center of life here at dauntless." I looked around the pit and smiled. I'm definitely gonna like it here. Next he showed us to the room we'd be sleeping in.
"This is where your gonna be sleeping for the next two weeks."
"Girls or boys?" An erudite asked.
"Both. If you like this your gonna love the bathroom. You should feel right at home candor, everything out in the open." He showed us the bathroom. Here was toilets without any stalls, same with the showers. "Get changed" he said leaving us as he shouldered Tris. We chose our beds. Mine was next to Tris and Chris was on the other side of her.
"Nice legs stiff." Someone called to Tris who was trying to change with as little skin showing as possible. She just ignored them. I pulled the stupid dress off without a care in the world at who sees me. I have a body with curves in all the right places as Tris says. A nice ass with size c cup bra. I got a few wolf whistles, to which I only rolled my eyes at.
"Nice body wolf."
"Shitty arrogance, prick" I retaliated with as I pulled on some black ripped skinny jean, tube top and a leather jacket, just my style. We dropped our old faction clothes into a fire pit and headed to the cafeteria, which was huge and had some music playing.
"Should we sit here?" Tris asked pointing to an area that was open next to four. Me and Chris just shrugged. I jumped over the table and sat across from Tris as she sat next to four and Chris sat next to her. Chris and Tris started to serve themselves as I looked at one of my tattoos that was on my right side of a bunch of moon lilies with some wolf/English words around it. It was showing pretty nicely. Someone sat on my left across from four but I didn't take the time to look up and see who. I was too focused on my tattoo. That is until I smelt meat. I looked up to see meat. I almost dove to grab one. I almost dug into it with my hands before Tris' voice stopped me.
"Public, Tala, we are in public. You can eat like a savage when your out hunting."
"A savage?" Chris asked snickering.
"Well excuse you missy, but I was raised by wolves, who are carnivores might I remind you, then thrown into a faction where they don't eat meat. I need to go out hunting to get my meat which I'm not able to go out and do often and I haven't hunted in almost three weeks. Can you blame me." I sassed then ate the meat in a civil manner this time.
"Okay. My mistake." Chris held her hands up in surrender.
"Have you never seen a hamburger before?" Chris asked Tris who hesitantly took the meat onto her plate.
"No I've seen one, I just have never eaten one." She replied.
"So that's what this is called. What? Raised by Wolves, eats raw meat." I defended looking at them like they were stupid. They nodded.
"Abnegation eat plain food. A plant based diet with no sauces and a minimum of seasoning." A guy sitting on my right asked.
"What textbook did you swallow?" I asked sarcastically looking up. He and his friend laughed a little as he said, "nice to meet you too. I'm Will, erudite."
"Naw shit Sherlock, I totally thought you were amity." I said sarcastically again causing them all to laugh.
"You know, that sarcasm might just get you killed." I turned to the person on my left who turned out to be Eric.
"You can try, won't end well on your part." I scoffed while filling my plate with food.
"No offense but I'm surprised abnegation even eats at all. Too selfish right? No wonder you left." Chris said.
"Right(Ikr)" I said.
"You gotta be pretty self confident to be friends with a candor." Will says.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Chris said sounding offended.
"You have no filter, you say the first thing that comes into your head."
"Oh you mean like your an idiot." Al says to him and we all laugh.
"Nice one Al. Plus I'm sure tris can handle it. She's lived with me around for long enough." I say.
"Yeah and at least we tell the truth." Chris shot.
"Erudite can tell the truth because we have the facts- I don't want to hear about your old factions your dauntless now." Four says ruining it.
"Wow, way to ruin the moment dude." I say.
"We're you a transfer too, or a dauntless born?" Tris asks.
"Are you kidding?" He asks.
"No" tris shakes her head.
"What makes you think you can talk to me?"
"Excuse you, you started talking to us first. Plus just because you don't have any friends doesn't mean you have to act like a prick to others who do have friends." I started going off on him and would have gotten up and in his face but Will held me back from doing so. He might have said something back but a higher rank started talking to him and he had to leave.
"You, my friend, have a death with." Chris told me.
"No it just seems that I have more balls than anyone here."
"Oh yeah, and what about me?" Eric questioned.
"Huh, I didn't even know you had a dick." I said making all of them except Eric laugh. "I'm kiddin dude. Lighten up and Take a joke." I laughed a bit. He looked down at his plate then back up at me with a ghost of a smile.
"Alright and don't worry, if four tries to get you in trouble I'll take care of it."
"Ok first of all who said I was worried, I couldn't care less. Second, why would you do that for me? I'm just some initiate."
"Because your funny. I find it very amusing when you go off on other people like that."
"And if I went off on you like that?"
"I'd be even more amused"
"Oh well ok then. For starter- NO!" The others almost yelled as Will covered my mouth.
"Ok you really do have a death wish." Chris said as I just laughed and shrugged  then got myself another hamburger.
"Good lord how many burgers have you eaten?" Al asked.
"This is my third, why?" They looked at me like I was crazy. "What? I'm a wolf girl who's in abnegation. The only way I'm able to get any meat is hunting for it. And I haven't had any meat in weeks, how many times do I have to remind you idiots before you finally get it in your thick heads?" I said making them understand. Will then started to explain to us about four being the top of his class and crap but I cut him off.
"Can we please not talk about that prick. For one i don't care and two, I already have to spend two weeks with him, I don't want to know anything more than I have to about him. And that's his name and that he's our trainer. Not like I need one." I say as Eric laughed. Then everyone started banging their cups on the tables.
"What the fuck?" I asked. Then I saw a guy on the platform above.
"Initiates, stand." We all did as told. "You have chosen to join the Warrior faction tasked with the defenses of this city and all its inhabitants. We believe in ordinary acts of bravery and courage that drives one person to stand up for another. Respect that. Do us proud." The faction leader gives us a speech. Eric then picks me up and puts me on his shoulder, holding me there as I give a small squeal. Others that are in dauntless pick up the other initiates as everyone cheers.

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