Nat, Stage Two, and Betrayal

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Talaluna's POV:

The next morning we were packing bags of stuff on trucks.
"So we pass the first stage of training and this is our reward. Glamorous." Chris complains sarcastically.
"Hey at lease we made it and aren't factionless." I said. I went to get another bag but was hit with a rock. I look up annoyed and ready to punch someone but saw Tris waving me over. She pulls me around the corner and I see Natalie.
"Nat?" I hug her.
"Oh, look at you two. God, your so strong and beautiful."
"Nat, you can't be here." I tell her.
"I know but your in danger."
"What?" Tris and I glance at each other.
"I have to ask you something. You weren't sick the day you took your aptitude tests were you?"
"What were your test results? Honeys it's okay, you can tell me."
"They were, uh, they were inconclusive."tris looks down and answers.
"Divergent. You can't tell anyone. You can't tell your friends, your instructors, you can't tell anyone" Natalie said like she knew.
"Im not." Tris and I lied at the same time.
"People have always been so threatened by divergents. But now erudite is looking for them everywhere. They're actively seeking them out." Nat was going to keep talking but Tris cut her off.
"Why? Mom what are we?"
"You don't conform. Your minds work in a million different ways. They're scared of you. Stage two of training is where you are most at risk. They're gonna get inside your head and watch how you respond to fear. But you can pass. You can make it through dauntless. I have seen it before."
"How do you know so much about this? About dauntless?" I ask.
"Never mind about me. Do not let them know who you are."
"Wait. Were you dauntless?" Tris asks but someone came and got us.
"Hey! What are you doing? Trucks loaded, let's go." He said. I looked back to see that Natalie was gone.
"What the hell?" I ask Tris as we followed him.
"I don't know" she whispered back.

We were eventually going to start on stage two, while we were in the waiting room Tris' leg was bouncing up and down nervously until my hand shot out onto her leg, stoping it in place.
"Stop" I gave her a look the told her I was annoyed by it. So she stopped best she could. Eventually, two dauntless lead Molly out of the room, who was shaking with fear, basically traumatized.
"What did they do to her?" Chris whispered to us.
"Tris" Four called her in from the doorway as another two came out of the door next to the one Tris went in leading a boy I didn't know out who was in the same state as Molly.
"Talaluna." Eric called from that door. I got up and followed him in.
"I'm going to inject you with a serum that stimulates the part of your brain that processes fear. It'll induce a hallucination and then transmitters in the serum will allow me to see the images in your mind."
"Fuck." I curse. "Don't worry you'll do fine." He took my hand and ran his lips across my fingers.
"Okay." I tell him but that's not what I'm worried about.
"You'll be facing your worst fears, most people have ten to fifteen really bad ones."
"Oh yeah that's reassuring." I say sarcastically as he injects it into my neck. He laughs and kiss' my forehead as I feel myself drift off. When I open my eyes I see the forest I grew up in. But it was quiet, too quiet. I then heard a Yelp of pain coming from my left. Taking off in that direction, I find my pack scattered around, dead, all of them dead.
"No, no, no!" Scream closing my eyes. I open my eyes and turning around I see what looks like the pack but isn't, they all have glowing red eyes. I run into a nearby cave and then I stop and remember. "This isn't real." Turning around the pack is gone. I walk further into the cave. When I turn the corner, I'm jumped on by a red eyed cobalt. I sit up gasping for air but am pushed back down by Eric.
"Easy there. How long do you think you were in there?" He asked as I payed back.
"I don't know. Fifteen, twenty minutes." I guess.
"Two, that's faster than any average. That's the first I've seen anyone do that. You ran into the cave but the wolves followed you right? How did you get rid of them, I didn't see that clearly."
"I just hid around the corner." I answer as he nodded.

"That is so nasty." I say as Chris tells us about hers and the little bugs crawling inside her.
"Yeah, I heard about this guy, two years ago, so panicked he had a heart attack in his chair and almost died." Will told us.
"What?" Chris and I said in sinc.
"Yeah, so we've got that to look forward to, right?" Al jokes and we laugh.
"You two didn't seem to have any problem." Chris gestured to me and Tris.
"Me? No, no my god it was awful." She said, we told each other about ours earlier. That's when Peter started the mess with us, which made them start to question us.

The next day, we had to do it again. This time, I was in a cage with no way out, no more freedom. I started to bang on the bars to get out as chains wrapped around my wrists but remembered. "This isn't real." I sat down in a meditation position and steadied my breathing. I opened my eyes and the bars busted open at my mere look and the chains blasted off. I woke up the same way I did before.
"Hey, so... Um" Eric started before trailing off as I was at the door about to leave.
"Yeah?" I turned to him.
"You know where my room is, and so do you maybe wanna come over tonight and we can, I don't know, do whatever?" He asked in the least shy way possible. It's almost like he's a different person when he's with me, it's cute, makes me feel special.
"Yeah, definitely." I answer, going over to him and giving him a kiss before leaving. The tests were mentally exhausting so I desire to go take a nap. Eventually I wake up and see Chris. So I decide to talk with her so we can have like a sisterly bonding time like I do with Tris. When everyone else is asleep I head down to Eric's room quiet like a ninja. When I get there, I knock and look around to make sure no one followed me. I barley even noticed he opened the door before I was pulled in, the door closing behind me as I'm pulled into a hug by Eric. It took me a moment to hug back, needing a second to compose my surprise by being suddenly yanked into the room. When I do hug back, he holds me tighter.
"Finally, we can just talk and hang out like normal couples do." He sighed.
"Oh so were a couple now?" I ask smirking.
"You don't want to be?" He pulls away looking hurt.
"Ah, I never said that. You never asked." I said pointedly.
"Oh, well then, will you, Talaluna, do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked making me laugh at the way he said it.
"Why yes, my wonderful boyfriend." I said making him laugh at the way I answered. It was then that I noticed that he was shirtless.
"Like what you see?" He smirked. "Oh yes" I bit my lip, looking at his tight six pack. And soon we were laying comfortably on his bed talking about anything. Him on his back with an arm around me as I was curled up next to him with a hand on his chest and his free hand holding mine.
"I gotta go." I looked at the clock.
"No stay." He whined.
"I can't, I'll come back tomorrow, okay?" I untangle myself from him.
"Okay, promise?" He walked me to the door.
"Promise" I kissed him one last time before I left. About half way back I felt like I was being watched. Turning the corner I was grabbed and started to be dragged by about three guys. I got out of their grips and got into a fighting stance. Taking on two guys at once was a piece of cake, but I didn't see the other guy behind me with a knife until I was being stabbed in the back. Turning around to punch him, he began to stab me multiple times in the gut. I started to fall but grabbed his mask, pulling it off as I fell, seeing Al to be my killer. I had a look of betrayal as he and his buddies ran for it. The black invaded my vision, closing in on me before I blacked out.

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