Capture the Flag

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Talaluna's POV:

Leaning against the door of the train I saw Tris running to catch up as it started to take off.
"Hey Four." I called him over and nodded to Tris. He leaned out the train and gave her a hand.
"I told Eric earlier, she won't give up. She's dauntless, she's my sister." I grinned as Tris thanked Four.
"I told you guys, she won't give up" I said to Chris, Al and Will as they came over.
"What are you doing here?" Will asked.
"I just figured that I had to make it." She panted as Eric came over.
"Who let you out?"
"I did"
"You did?" Eric raised his eye brows.
"Yeah and I encouraged so if you don't like it well then too bad, deal." I snapped, my ears falling back in defense.
"Okay" he nodded walking off.
"Wait, what?" I asked as I stared off at him with wide eyes and my ears shot forward in surprise.
"Huh, he said okay." Al huffed just as surprised as I was.
"The games simple. It's like capture the flag." Four yelled catching our attention.
"Weapon of choice." Eric yelled this time, raising some kind of training gun up.
"You call that a gun?" Molly scoffed to one of her friends.
"This is training, they're not gonna give us real guns to kill each other with, smart one." I sassed as everyone snickered and Molly looked down embarrassed. Eric shot her in the leg with what looked like a tranquilizer dart. She fell to the floor making sounds of pain as Eric pulled it out of her leg and held it up for us to see.
"Neuro-stim dart. Simulates the pain of a real gun shot wound, only lasts a couple minutes." He told us.
"Oh, shoot me next." Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.
"What?" He asked.
"My turn, shoot me."
"No I'm not gonna shoot you."
"Aw come on don't be a sissy." I was then shot, not by Eric but by Four. In the left side stuck a dart. I pulled it out and poked it.
"Huh, doesn't feel that different from a wolf bit." I shrugged.
"Two teams. Four and I are captains." I looked at Four to save me.
"I'll pick first." Four saw my pleading look.
"Alright." Eric said.
"Edward" Eric had disappointment in his eyes.
"I'll take the other stiff too."
"Ah picking the weak ones so you've got someone to blame when you lose. And that does not include Talaluna, who is at the top of the board." He said before I could intervene.
"Something like that." Four said just to get Eric to shut up.
"Where'd Eric's team go?" Someone asked when we were running.
"They must have gone to the end." Someone else answered as we came to a stop.
"Jesus, is it bright enough for you?" I asked Four when he pulled out a bright ass glowing golden flag. He silently laughed.
"Lights off. Gather round, come on. Alright let's talk strategy." He called to everyone else. Some people started throwing things out there.
"Ok, we split into two groups. Defense and offense." Chris said loudly.
"Who put you in charge?" Some guy challenged her.
"Well somebody has to make a decision, and I sure as hell don't think you'll be able to do it." I took a step towards him causing him to back down. Everyone started to argue and I noticed Tris walk off. Four followed after her and I after him.
"Your not gonna jump are you?" He called up to her as she started climbing the fairs wheel.
"No I'm just trying to get a good vantage point." She answered.
"Good thinking." He said as we followed after her.
"Tala taught me that, the height and everything. And you don't have to come with me."
"Well you should go easy, you took a beating."
"Surprised you noticed. Saw you leave during the fight."
"Yeah, well. That's not something I wanted to watch." I rolled my eyes at them.
"Damn, this Ferris wheel is so annoying with all its creaking and groaning." I groaned. I gasped lightly as Tris started to fall when a rung broke but sighed when Four caught her.
"You good? You okay?" He asked her helping her get steady again.
'I could totally see them together.' I thought to myself smirking.
"This is high enough." Four looked down.
"No we need to go higher." Tris told him and kept going.
"That's one of your fears isn't it?" I asked him.
"Is it that obvious?" He asked.
"No, I'm just more observant and smart then others."
"Everyone's afraid of something."
"I didn't think you were afraid of anything" Tris said from above us and Four followed after her hesitantly.
"Really? Are you even human?" He asked when she just kept going and I laughed.
"This isn't so bad." Tris reassured him and I went past them and kept going.
"Ok I know she's not human but what planet is she from? Can she, like, secretly fly or something?" Four asked but I ignored them. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as the wind blew through my hair. Exhaling, I looked around.
"Look, there it is." I called down to them pointing in the direction of the glow of the other teams flag. I discussed a plan with Tris as we were climbing down. I was jumping from bar/rung to bar/rung while they climbed down the latter.
"Ok seriously what planet are you from?" Four asked.
"I'm not from another planet Four. But I am from a different world. I'm a wolf girl, I was raised by the forest and all who reside in it." I replied. Tris explained the plan to the others as I lead them to where we had to go. That's when it broke loose. The others distracting them while Four and I went after Eric. Tris and Chris were going for the flag. While Eric was focused on Four I went around and tripped him onto his back.
"Surprise mother fucker." I said and shot him in the leg.
"That's for Chris" I then shot him in the stomach.
"That's for Tris"
"And this is for me." Then shot him in the chest. I heard cheering and looked up to see Tris waving the flag around with Chris. We were then lead to a roof that looked over the city. I stood at the ledge in the corner away from everyone else relaxing and in my own little world. I felt someone stand next to me and out of the corner of my eye I saw it was Eric.
"I would apologize for shooting you but-" he cut me off.
"I deserved it, I know."
"It's gonna take more then just giving Tris a second chance to get me to give you a second chance, ya know." I told him.
"I know, but I'm trying. And I won't stop trying." He admitted and took a step closer to me. He put an arm behind me, leaning his hand on the other ledge next to me. Instead of pushing him away I let the moment happen and leaned against him slightly. Then I was called over by Tris. Leaving Eric I walked over to her as she gave me a we'll talk later look.
"They want you to go first." She told me so I let them set me in the zip line thing.
"Give us a howl!" Many cheered for me. Looking down it was a beautiful view. They told me how to break and set me off. I let out a long, loud, happy howl while hearing them cheer louder behind me. I laughed through all the ups and downs, spreading my arms I felt free like I was running with the pack through the forest again. When I got to the end I heard them yelling for me to pull the break. Once I was stopped I wiggled out of the thing and dropped to the ground. I cheered for my friends when they got here as well.
"Hey where you goin?" Al asked as I went to break off from the group.
"Sibling matters." I whispered to them letting them know that I was going to spend time with little brother cobalt. They nodded and headed to the party as I went back to the sleeping area.

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