5. Riley

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Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher ^

"So I was thinking we can go to the carnival this weekend. You can bring your brothers and I'll bring my sisters" I said as Alex and I walked to class after lunch let out. Alex and I shared two classes together both of which happened to be AP PreCalc and AP Spanish.

"Sounds good. I'd like to meet your sisters and I want you to properly meet my brothers, all four of them. You know the twins Casey and Matt as well as Andrew but you haven't met my brother Ryder. He's the second oldest of us. He's an MMA fighter" he replied and I raised my brows at that.

"That's cool. My brother, Kennedy used to boxing before he joined the marines." I said and he nodded

"What about your other brother? What did he do before he joined?" He asked as we entered Mr. Richards' AP PreCalc and went to our seats. I had moved seats to sit beside him a couple of days ago.

"Matt, he used to do all sorts of things. During his high school years, he did all types of sports. He's the daredevil of the family. He was a race car driver at one point in time. He dropped all that when he joined the army though." I replied with a smile. Just thinking about my older brothers always brought happy yet sad memories. They used to always take me with them wherever they went. If I wasn't with Matt at the racetracks I was with Kennedy in the gym watching him training and vice versa. Dispute our age gap, we were very close. I was the youngest of the three of us. It was just us boys before my twin sisters were born.

"He sounds like an interesting guy. He would probably get along really well with Andrew and Ryder even with the age gap and the same with Kennedy and Casey" he said and I nodded

"They have a lot of things in common" I agreed and he smiled

"That they do." He stated before we turned to the front of the room when the teacher walked in after the last student took their seat.

Class droned on for the next 45 minutes and I sighed and turned to the worksheet that was passed out a few moments ago. I looked down at the first problem and got to work. Some people think that just because I'm a jock that is stupid or don't care about my grades but in fact, I care about them and always do my best to get good grades in all my classes. Football may get me into college but my grades will give me a better future. Who knows maybe one day I'll work as a lawyer like my Uncle Jake.

The sound of the chair beside me scrapping against the tiled floors brought me out of my thoughts and looked up to see Alex already looking at me with a raised brow and his head tilted to the side

"You don't plan on staying here for the next hour do you?" He asked with a teasing smile making me roll my eyes and stand up from my chair and put my things away before following Alex out of the classroom and down the hall towards his locker where unfortunately his brothers and friends were standing at and I watched Alex sigh

"I swear they're ridiculous" he muttered and I nudged him with my shoulder

"They just worry about you," I said and he scoffed

"They're always like this. No matter where we go they're always there watching my every move and making sure that I don't befriend 'bad people' God they're worse than my parents and oldest brothers." He exclaimed throwing his arms in the air making me chuckle

"Hey that's how I am with my sisters and whenever my brothers are home they're like that too," I said trying to ease him but he only looked unimpressed

"But you and your brothers don't threaten you to beat the people they make friends with up" he murmured and I blinked, "They always say that whenever we're home or waiting in the parking lot"

It All Happened With A Football (NEW VERSION) Completed ✅ Where stories live. Discover now