9. Riley

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"So did your mom tell you when you were getting out?" Alex asked as we lay in my hospital bed and I sighed shaking my head, I'd been awake for over three hours and nurses have come and gone checking my vitals and making sure I wasn't going to go into cardiac arrest any time soon. It was annoying really, but it was their job. I had been moved from ICU to a recovery room and I have to say the room was fit for a celebrity. It was spacious with a sofa under the floor-to-ceiling windows. A love chair was by on the other side of the bed where Alex usually sat when the nurses came to see me.

"One of the nurses said she'll be in to see me later today though, I'll ask her then. She'll go all Doctor mood on me at home which is going to be a pain in the ass if you ask me but it's better than nothing, right?" I said as I tucked a stray piece of hair behind his ear and he blushed a soft red making me smile.

It feels strange having the person you've been crushing on for so long laying beside you and declaring his feelings for you. We had a long talk about our feelings and how we found out we liked each other and whatnot. Turns out that we began having feelings for one another around the time that Mitch through the football at him. His older brothers, aside from Ryder, haven't visited and you know what? I didn't care. They were assholes who didn't give a fuck about anyone but themselves.

Molly and the others had also visited and it was nice to see new familiar faces coming to see how I was doing. They had been here about an hour ago along with Ryder. My sisters had also visited along with Marcus and Cory. The coach said that I'll be on the bench for a while until I was fully recovered and that sucked because I hate swing benched. Gives me no thrill of the game. No rush of adrenaline.

"I'm sure she'll ease up, a bit," Alex said cutting through my thoughts and I hummed

"Knowing her, she'll be on me for a good while until I'm deemed recovered," I said and he chuckled before signing, and moving aside so he could sit up I watched him as he run a hand through his hair making me furrow my brows at the action.

"What's wrong?" I asked sitting up as well and he shook his head

"Nothing, just thinking about the whole incident" he murmured and I sighed. It's fog to take a while before we all move passed this whole experience, especially Alex as he saw the whole thing happen. He was the one who was supposed to be shot not me, but I took the bullet for him because I care about him and didn't want him hurt.

"I know that it's hard, but just thinking about it over and over again isn't going to make moving past this any easier, Alex. So just try to not think about it too much it's only going to hurt you more." I murmured cupping his face in my hands and he bit the inside of his cheek

"It's still so vivid Riley. I close my eyes and I see that man holding the pointing towards me and you're on me taking the bullet for me. It's hard not to think about it if I have dreams about it every night" he whispered and I closed my eyes leaning my forehead against his

"I know, trust me I have them too but I always try to block them. Think of other things and it helps" I said and I for thin nodded his head as his breath fanned against my lips.

"Good, now lay down and get some sleep," I mumbled making him chuckle

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that?"

"Yeah, probably but oh well," I replied

"You're such a weirdo."


"You're going to be on bed rest for a few days before you're allowed to move around. Your stitches should dissolve by then. You'll be able to go to school by then." My mother, aka my doctor, said as she held my chart in her hands.

"How long am I going to be on bed rest?" I asked her cutting her mid-rant about the type of medicine I'm supposed to take and that she'll be monitoring me and making sure that I don't take more than prescribed. I rolled my eyes at that but said nothing knowing full well that she'll always be monitoring me on anything I get prescribed due to a couple of years ago when I overdosed on painkillers.

I was around 14 or 15 at the time, we had been in a car accident and I was rushed to the hospital with three broken ribs and a sprained ankle. My mom wasn't my doctor then but she always kept a close eye on me making sure that I didn't take more than prescribed. A few months passed and I had recovered from my injuries but I still had the medicine I was prescribed and I'd take them, lying to my parents about my ribs or ankle still hurting. I had taken half a bottle of OxyContin and went to shower. The next thing I know, I'm waking up in the hospital with a tube down my throat and my parents beside me crying while my sisters slept on the pull-out couch.

"Never do that again, Riley Cameron Cordelli or so help I will kill you myself" my mom had cried when I woke up. I'd been in a coma for four days. We moved to Boston after that but I can tell that she fears that I'll abuse again but I know better.

"I want you in bed rest for at least four days, and you'll be taking OxyContin for the pain" she said,her voice strained and I could understand why, breaking me out of my thoughts and I nodded

"I'll only take them for the pain" I said and she looked skeptical

"That's what you said last time and yet I nearly lost you." She murmured making me look away from her

"I know, but this time I promise you that I won't take more than prescribed. I mean you're the one prescribing it to me." I said and she sighed

"I think I'm just going to prescribe you Advil, there's a lesser chance of you overdosing on this than on OxyContin." She said and I nodded

"Whatever you decided mom."


"How you feeling?" Dad asked as he helped me up to my room after he pierces me up form the hospital.

"Good, so I don't see why I'm supposed to stay home and not go to school. I already missed two weeks of it already." I replied and he gave me a small smile

"Your friends have been coming over with packets of homework for you so you don't stay behind. Alex, and Cory have offered to helped you get caught up on school. And for you being in bed rest, your mom just wants you to recover without putting a strain on yourself. You'll be all in school before you know it." He assured ruffling my hair making me swat his hand away which earned a laugh from him

"Cory should be here soon with the work for the week," he added before waking away once he handed me the remote to the tv. I groaned. The last thing I want to think about as soon as I get out of the hospital is homework.

Half way through season 8 of Supernatural,the sound of the bell ringing downstairs made me look to the clock to see that it was almost 3:20 pm. Meaning I've been cooped up in my room for the last 8 hours watching Supernatural. My dads voice greeting Cory traveled up to my room before Cory was making his way up the stairs and to my room.

"Hey," he greeted holding a folder in his hands and I nodded my head in greeting.

"Sup?" I asked and he rolled his eyes grabbing the computer chair and pulling it towards my bed.

"Not much, just brought you your homework. I also have notes from class so you can understand what we're studying," He said and I nodded."Ready to get your studying on?"


an sorry for the sucky chapter but anyway here's a new update let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a vote/fan



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