6. Alex

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Avery (Alex's baby sister) ^

"You know what's fucked up?" I asked looking at Riley who raised his brow,"That no matter how much I try to get my brothers to back off and no matter how much my parents and Ryder tell them to back off, they won't listen. But whenever Brian is home from Afghanistan they're little angels and act like they were never assholes."

We were currently driving to the carnival that was only a ten minute drive from my house. Ryder had driven Andrew, Casey and Matt and we agreed to all meet up there. Riley brought his twin sisters Isabelle and Arabella. They were identical twins the only difference between them was that Isabelle had light brown hair while Arabella had dark. They were both about an inch taller than me at 5'5. They're very pretty with petite built.

"Your brothers, no offense Alex, are total douches. They need to back off. It's not healthy for them to be this protective of you."Arabella said from the back seat and I looked over at them to see Isabelle nodding her head in agreement

"Trust me I know. It's like whatever we say goes in one ear and out the other but when Brian is home they listen to him which is ridiculous if you ask me." I said and they nodded

"Kenny and Mattie used to be like that back in the day with Riley. Remember big brother?" Isabelle asked and Riley nodded

"They were always on my back no matter how much I asked them to back off. It was always don't do anything stupid or don't you dare hang out with those people. It came to a point where I light told them to fuck of that they were nothing to me. I don't speak to them for almost 3 months if I remember correctly." He said and I looked at him shocked

"Seriously?" I asked with a gasp and he chuckle but nodded his head making a turn and not long did the bright lights of the carnival came into view making me stare out the window with a grin. It's been ages since I came to the carnival. I don't even remember when the last time I came was.

"Come on, let's go find your brothers before they send the police to search for you." Riley said as he turned the car off once he parked the car beside Ryder's car. I rolled my eyes and wanted to tell him that they wouldn't go to that extreme by then remembered who he was talking about and said nothing.

The open field where the carnival was taken place was packed with people from families to group of friends to couples enjoying the night out together. We heads to the booth to get our tickets for the rides, and as I was about to pull my wallet out, Riley pushed my hand away and shook his head

"I got them," he said when I gave him a questioning glance and I went to object but he had already turned around bought those bracelets that gave you unlimited turns on any ride you wanted instead of having tickets that would run out quickly as each ride could requiere two or three tickets each.

"Come on," he said once we got our bracelets on. We walked through he crowded field and went in search of my four older brothers. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and took it out to find d a text from Ryder asking where we were.

To: Ryder 🏆
We just got here. We're near the ticket booth where are you?

From: Ryder🏆
Were near the pirate ship

To: Ryder 🏆
Okay we'll be there in a bit

After getting a reply from him saying okay, I lead Cordelli siblings to my brothers' location.

"So what rides are you guys getting on?" Isabelle asked as we rounded the corner and just like Ryder said, we found the four near the pirate ship and they weren't alone. They were accompanied by Vanna, Allie, Jared and Jensen.

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