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Thinking about those horrific questions were useless, I mean I over think too much.

Something in my mind told me not to go down the cellar and so I ignored the bold, red letters and began to eat my breakfast. Whilst I was sipping on the orange juice, I opened the flap of the laptop to do some homework. When the screen turned on, the page was opened at the history page and some websites that have been blocked and some were ticked to be ready to go in the bin. I looked at the websites thoroughly,one by one, and some were dating websites and some were about 5 steps to killing someone. I was stunned when I came across the dating websites, I mean is my mum cheating on my dad... or is my dad cheating on my mum... I looked at the other page and thought to myself why would my mum or dad look at killing websites... then I thought it was for Halloween tricks. Parents really know how to scare their own children.

After scanning through the Web pages, I opened a document that had my homework in, my English teacher set a violent crossword, my science teacher gave us a violent experiment to think about, involving sharp objects, It was so weird, I had homework about murder. I completed my homework and packed my books away. After packing up, I decided to watch T.V. I flicked through the channels and on each channel, the programme would always be about murder and blood.

I didn't understand what was happening. It was like signs were building up to warn me...

I knew I had to do something, either I was getting paranoid or someone/ something was trying to warm me of danger... I switched my phone on and messaged my mother ' I have done my homework, you proud of me lol, anyways the homework was all about murder and blood, the tv channels and radio also talked about the same thing'. Is it a coincidence?'
'I am so scared mother, what time are you coming home?'

After a couple of minutes mother said 'Jade, don't worry, it's just your imagination, I will be back home late, I already told you in the morning and you said yeah'.
Hahaha, but I didn't hear my mother speak in the morning. Lol.

Great, my mum is coming home late, I'm home alone, I mean where the hell is dad?

Sorry for the small chapter x

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