Introduction: We can get Through This Together

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teen·ag·er- a person aged from 13 to 19 years.

You can never be prepared enough for anything, especially not the teenage years. Six years of trying to find your way through your world. You're a puzzle piece that hasn't yet to find it's fit. Don't be the piece that forces its way through to fit, ends up manipulating the original form. In other words, don't change yourself to fit in with someone that has already found their place or thinks that they have.

What better way is there to get through the teenage years than to go through it with someone who is experiencing the same things. We can make it through this six years, mature together. This is a safe area for you the readers to share your problems every week and even suggest a topic for me to write about and hopefully, I can help you.

Once this book gets started I'll have advice columns every week, also update the chapters daily about topics that have been suggested for me to write about or should I say type about.

Don't feel discouraged to read this book if you're over the age of thirteen I named it this because 13 is when you officially become a teenager. The video that I posted above is basically a movie that was made by a director named Robert Randall and he makes great short films about teenagers and such and such.

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