Chapter 2

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Authors Note: Two in one day? Damn, haven't done that in a while, but I felt like I did a really good job on the first chapter, so I thought I might as well knock out a second chapter. I hope you all enjoy, now, ONTO THE READ!

SAO Survivor School, After school

After leaving the weight room, you continued on with a problem throughout the rest of the day. You finished your final class and was about to head home til your sister stopped you.

Sasha: Y/N!

Y/N: Hey sis, what's up?

Sasha: Wanna hang out at the mall with me and my friends?

Y/N: The mall? I don't know, I still have to study for Mr.Ackerman's class. He's a scary teacher...

Sasha: Come on! This will be good for you! You barely get out of the house, especially after we found-

You rushed and covered your sisters mouth.

Y/N: *Whisper/yells* Not so loud, and not here!

You dragged her to a secluded spot, and removed your hand.

Sasha: What's up with you?

Y/N: Do you know how many people here play ALO? Incursio already has a name and reputation built up for him. I don't want anyone to know I'm Incursio, and they sure as hell aren't ready to find out that Grand Chariot is also in ALO.

Sasha: Y/N, what's so wrong with letting people know who we are?

Y/N: Because, if people find out about me, I'l be bombarded with questions, and all the attention will be on me. I don't want that. Incursio is the only way I can feel like I'm escaping my stress now.

Sasha: But, you've never been stressed before.

Y/N: I am now, ever since I found out that Asuna plays ALO, I've tried my best to make sure no one knows too much about me or Incursio. It's already been leaked that I was part of the Knights of Blood Oath guild back in SAO, and that I'm a spriggan. Anything else, and not only me, but you, are done for.

Sasha: Why me?

Y/N: Because, if I go down, you and Grand Chariot go down with me.

Sasha: *gasp* You wouldn't...

Y/N: Wanna try me?

Sasha: *groan* fine, but what about the whole mall thing?

Y/N: Like I said, I don't know. I've got a lot of work to do, and besides, you said you already agreed to training in ALO at 7 PM.

Sasha: Oohhhh, riiiiighht...

Y/N: You forgot didn't you?

Sasha: Maybe?

Y/N: *Sigh* Fine, I'll go, but we have to leave for training when it's time.

Sasha: You got it Captain!

You ruffled your sisters hair and walked past her.

Y/N: Your so childish you know that?

Sasha caught up and walked with you.

Sasha: Yeah, but you love me for it.

TimeSkip to the mall

You and your sister were outside the mall, waiting for her friends.

Y/N: So, who are these friends we're hanging out with?

Sasha: Ohh, some new friends I made.

Y/N: Do I know them?

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