Chapter 7 Finale

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Timeskip, L/N Residence

You opened your eyes and sat up taking off your amusphere. You rubbed your eyes and got off your bed, and went out your room.When you closed the door, you turned and saw your sister come out at the same time.

Sasha: Well, looks like we're famous.

Y/N: I wonder who's fault is that?

Sasha: Awww, come on, you'll love it.

Y/N: You're a handful.

Sasha: *wraps arm around you* That's why ya love meh. *giggles* Come on, I'm starving.

You shook your head and both of you made your way downstairs to see the dinner table set up with food.

Y/N: Whoa, what's the occasion?

Sasha: Well, to congratulate you for beating Kazuto, I invited everyone over for dinner.

Y/N: Hmmm, I guess it's alright.

Sasha: They should be here any minute, we have to dress! Hurry!

She dragged you upstairs and you went to your room to fix yourself up. You did your hair, and picked out a suit that was (F/C) with (S/F/C) trimmings with a (F/C) bowtie. After fixing yourself up, you went out your room and saw your sister waiting for you in a blue slim dress that had crystals along the hem, and in blue high heels.

Sasha: Their limo driver texted me, they're almost here.

Y/N: Better be there to greet them then.

You both made your way to the front of your home and watched as the limo was pulling up to the gate. You could hear the music blasting and saw Klein poking through the sun roof.

Klein: Y/N!! Hey Y/N!!! Can I borrow this sometime!? HAHAHA! WOOO!!! YEAH!!!!

You chuckled at his request and they pulled up to the roundabout driveway, stopping in front of you and your sister. The driver got out and went to open the door for your guest. You watched as Rika, Keiko, Suguha, Agil, Klein, and Asuna.....god was she beautiful. You stared at her as she wore a white short dress that had red trimmings. Her hair flowed smoothly as she walked and the moonlight made her shine. You were too entranced by her beauty, your sister had to smack you up the head to bring you back.

Y/N: OW! What was that for!?

Sasha: You were gawking at Asuna~

Y/N: Wh-What!? Wh-Who said- Agh! Just come in!

You stomped inside with a blush and everyone laughed and followed. Asuna caught up to you and locked arms with you and leaned her head on your shoulder.

Asuna: *Giggles* Do I look good?

Y/N: Y-Yeah, you look amazing.

You looked at her to see that her dress hugged her body, and that her cleavage was very visible.


You all walked to the dining room and sat everyone down. Asuna was to your right while Sasha was on your left.

Y/N: Thank you for coming, it means a lot knowing I have friends like you guys.

Agil: Always gonna be here for you man.

Klein: Yeah! Especially if we can roll around in style like that!

You all laughed at his remark an clapped your hands together.

Everyone: Itadakimasu!

You all began to eat the food prepared by your chefs, and staff, and had the most fun you had ever had. Klein got drunk and began to try and flirt with your sister, which resulted in him on the floor holding his nuts and crying, and everyone laughing. Your sister talked with Rika, Suguha, and Keiko, and you were with Agil and Klein having a few drinks with them. They were hesitant at first about handing you alcohol, but when Agil saw you held your liquor better than Klein, he knew a few drinks wouldn't hurt. You noticed Asuna had went upstairs, and you handed Agil your drink.

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