Chapter 32: 'Date'

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I got tired of waiting for the remaining 12 votes😥😥. Lieeey won't let me rest and because she is going to be my new tutor I decided to update. The 6000(almost 7000) words chapter is finally here, buckle up and enjoy.

The call to prayer woke me up from my afternoon sleep. I looked out through the window and saw it was already dark. Still feeling sleepy I jumped out of bed, sluggishly went to the tap in tsakar gida and did my ablution. I avoided going to the bathroom as much as I could. After I finished praying salatul magrib, I took my Hijab, phone and qur'an, headed to the soro and waited for danmaula. I didn't wait long before I heard the familiar voice saying Assalama alaikum. I remember the first time I heard the 'Assalama alaikum' coming from him, I thought it was coming from an arab man.

I answered his salam, soon after the net door swung open and he made his way straight to the armchair opposite me, his favorite sitting position in the room.

"Flease can I have a date?" he said as he made himself more comfortable on the armchair. I loved how he made himself at home whenever he came here but wait, did he just say he wanted a date with me? My heart just stopped beating.

"Kpum kpum kpum,"it started kpumkpumnating.

Oh My God.

"Urhh?" I asked to confirm what he said.

"I said flease hameeda may I have a date if you don't mind?" He asked more politely than before. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. And sure enough, I wasn't. I looked at him and saw his normal beautiful dimpled smile. He wasn't looking nervous at all. Actually he was looking a bit tired and something like urhhmm yes he was looking famished.

"Hameeda flease answer me can I have a date?" I was so speechless. How did he expect me to answer the question that quickly. He had to give me some time to think about it. I didn't even know if he wanted to have lunch or dinner only or if he wanted to take our relationship to the next level. I must be kidding. I knew hewas not the one to date so maybe he just wanted us to have lunch and get to know each other better. Just then Kakani entered the room. He squatted and greeted her before groaning again. "Haaameeeeedaaaa my date"

"What's wrong my son?" Kakani asked.

"I asked Hameeda for a date." Shit I closed my eyes embarrassed. He was not even ashamed of telling Kakani. Now kakani would tease me endlessly. I closed my eyes expecting the worst but instead all I heard was...

"Haba Hameeda bring him some dates. Don't leave him starving. Today is Thursday. He fasted."

Could you imagine how I felt? So it was that date he meant. I quickly went to the kitchen and brought the dates, I brought tea and offered to make some food for him but he asked me not to. So while waiting for dinner, I gave him my hadda, the two pages I memorized perfectly. When dinner was ready I brought it for him on a tray and laid it on the carpet.

He folded his legs on the carpet and with a bissimillah he started eating with his right hand. With his perfect long fingers, he took the first handful into his mouth. He closed his eyes and moaned silently devouring in the taste of tuwan shinkafa da miyan aleyahu. And what could I say? Nafeesatu, Kakani's house maid was surely a good cook. And I made sure I added man shanu and yajin tafarnuwa to the stew. As he closed his eyes I noticed for the first time how long and curly his eyelashes were. They lay perfectly on his chocolate milk face. I also noticed how his eyebrows were now touching each other and how his curly hair, beard and sides burns had grown making him look much more handsome. I remembered arguing with one of my classmates about sideburns. She insisted that shaved ones were more attractive while I told her unshaved ones were far better. I looked up and my eyes met his brown ones. I quickly looked down and took out my phone pretending to be using it while muttering astagfirullah. It was just not easy for me not to be checking him out while he looked this handsome. It was this thing's fault. What's the thing call again? Hormones!!

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