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Assalama alaikum wa rahmatullahi ta'ala wa barakatuhu beautiful people. How are you all doing? YA RAWARKU? How's everything? How was the lockdown  I hope you are all safe..Do you miss me?😂😂Awwn I miss you tooo☺❤

I have good news and bad news. Which one should I tell you first?

The bad news is I am taking Miss world or Miss Akhirah down😅😅Maybe in few weeks. So this just a notice. If anyone  wants to hurry up and finish reading it.

And the good news is In sha Allah, I will start writing the sequel soon. I may not publish it on wattpad. Whatever I decide I will tell you in sha Allah. And I still want to publish Mwoma, I will update you on that too.  I have been looking for an editor, I am still searching 😅

So till then......
Love you always❤

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