Chapter 27: Umar is not who you think he is. He is ...

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Yaya Muhsin I have updated!!! Now my essays!!

Chapter dedicated to those beautiful souls in wattpad authors. Wait is the name still wattpad authors or wattpad community? Koh en arewa masu wattpad koh en arewa masu rubutun koh en arewa masu son kudi koh en arewa masu son cin abinci koh marubuta kagaggun labarai. Kude ku kasani. Whatever your name is I still love you. And my heart does kpum kpum for you whenever I read your beautiful comments. Thanks for all the support darlings. I wanted to start writing since 1:00 but grey's anatomy couldn't let me. Those that watch it know what I mean. I couldn't stop watching it. Its now 2:40 am and I am so sleepy , I really want to update so here I am.

I gathered all my courage and all the proofs I had and walked to Rukkaya's room with one question in my mind," Will she believe me if I tell her Umar is not who she thinks he is?"

I walked slowly to the room with my heart beat increasing with every step I took. When I reached the door I took a deep breath and raised my hand to knock. My knuckles almost touched the door when I stopped. I heard a someone shouting downstairs. I quickly went down and there I found Hassan and Hussain in a combat, WWE raw.

Hassan and Hussain rarely fought so when they did it always got shitty. Hussain was on top of Hassan punching the hell out of him.

"Hussain !!!



But my shouts were in vain as Hassan rolled over, quickly stood up and started kicking Hussain in the stomach. And I stood there looking at my brothers trying to kill themselves.

Hassan stood up as well and pushed Hussain to the wall before giving him two slaps on his cheeks. Hussain fell down and pulled Hassan's leg which made him fall down on top of him. I ran and tried pulling Hussain but I didn't have enough strength and ended up entangled in their fight. I did the only thing I thought could help, I shouted for help.

And thankfully before I could get a major bruises, one of our househelps came to my aid. Together the two of us stopped them from deeply injuring themselves. I went straight to my room and cleaned the little bruise I had on my neck. It was when I was walking past Rukkaya's room I remembered my main reason of coming out of my room in the first place. My heart started hammering and at that moment I wished the twins would continue fighting. It was quiet a distraction for me.

After I finished cleaning the bruise I couldn't get the courage to go and face Rukkaya again. Am I really ready to face her? Am I ready to tell her the truth? Am I ready to be the greatest enemy of my sister and my only sister? I didn't think so.

The other part of my mind told me that was the right thing to do. No matter how much she would hate you, you have to do the right thing and protect your sister. I started thinking what if he was not the one? What if Umar was a good guy? What if all the Danmaula told me and showed me was a lie?I would make s grave sin by telling Yaya Rukkaya. It would be accusing someone of sins he didn't do.

Taking my phone I opened instagram and searched Arrow. It was him. It was really him. I comfirmed for the upteenth time. Eventhough his full face was never in view in any of the pictures, I recongnized his side views perfectly. I was about to close the application when I saw new follow request from A_Lamido. At any other time I could have been so happy for Aheed_Lamido was my instagram crush. I had been stalking him since forever and he just requested to follow me. But It was my sister's life we were talking about. My sister's happiness. I didn't even look at the request for more than a second, I immediately stood up and threw my phone away ready to face my sister again.

I raised my hand to knock for the second time that day when I percieved a smell, something was burning. I quickly ran downstairs and into the kitchen and found out nothing was actually burning. It was just my imagination. Or my brain working with my nose so that I wouldn't face my sister.

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