Love is War

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"Lance, where are you going?" The Leader of the Paladins, Shiro asked. His arms crossed as he caught Lance sneaking towards the Hangar.

Lance just flashed him a grin. "We don't have anything planned for the night, so i am going out to hit on some sexy alien chicks." Shiro rolled his eyes. "Fine, but don't come crying to us if you get rejected."

Lance just waved as he hopped into a small ship and made his way to a nearby planet. Even late at night, the city was bustling with people of all types. It was basically an alien version of New York; where no one ever seems to sleep. Bright lights lit up the city as Lance flew above to find landing. He found a nice place a little ways away from the city, but kept his ship hidden. Lance smirked as he got out of his ship and took off his helmet. 

He hadn't bothered putting his armor on, aside from his helmet. Lance was wearing skin tight jeans, a white t-shirt, and his usual green jacket. He wasn't about to dress up just to get some action, he knew he could do that all with his charm. 

Lance looked into the window of his ship, flashing himself a seductive grin in the reflection.

'Time to have some fun!' Lance said, pumping his fist to no one in particular. He fixed his jacket before making his way to the city. The noise of music and chatter only grew louder as Lance entered. So many unique beings were up and about that squirming his way through became a hassle. Lance looked around until he spotted a blue alien girl handing out flyers.

He quickly slid over to her, flashing her a smile. She didn't seem all that amused. "Whatcha got there sweetheart?" He cooed. She narrowed her eyes and shoved a flyer at him. "If you are looking for some fun, head on over to The Eclipse." Lance took the flyer and glanced it over. "Sounds like a plan, will i see you inside lovely?"

The girl's lips curled back, revealing very sharp long teeth. "Back off if you know what's good for you." She hissed. Lance raised his hands up defensively, laughing. "All in good fun, have a good night." He slipped past her to walk inside the nightclub. 'Geez, how does she get people to come in with that attitude?' Lance thought, rubbing the back of his neck. He pushed pass some doors and was hit with cool air and loud thumping music.

The music was so loud he could feel it pounding in his heart; he loved it. The air was cool from the cooling system the club had; there were different colored lights dotting the dance floor; with many beautiful girls rolling their hips to the beat. Many men, including some Galra as well, were watching the girls intensely, it made Lance chuckled. 'Desperate much?' He thought to himself. 

'I'll show you how it's done.'

Lance made his way to the bar, ordering the first thing he saw on the menu. Luckily for him, alien's didn't care much to ID people. He had his fair share of alcohol back on Earth with his large family. They were always having something to celebrate, and even when he was as young as 12, he was given the opportunity to sip on adult drinks.

The bartender, a green like creature with fins for ears, handed him a purple colored drink. He eyed it for a moment, wondering if he should have looked over the menu more, before shrugging and chugging it in one go. The liquid burned his throat as it slid down, yet it was extremely cold. It tasted faintly of what Lance could only describe as strawberries.

Lance licked his lips; it was good. "Another please." He beckoned to the bartender. The man nodded and turned to make him his drink. Lance turned himself to look at the girls dancing; deciding on his prey. There were also some men dancing with the girls, but he quickly removed them from his line of sight. 

Lance had admitted he was bi a few years ago; he had told his teammates; some were supportive, some didn't really give a shit (ahem, Keith) but even so; Lance preferred women the most.  The one thing he would never admit to anyone, especially Keith, was that he was still a virgin. He had gotten close to sex with a girl before, but at the last second, she had gotten scared and shoved him away.

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