Love is Breaking

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"UGH!" Lance yelled as he stumbled backwards. Shiro had gotten the upper hand right away, shoving Lance into a nearby wall and causing him to falter. Shiro brought his glowing hand up to Lance's neck just as Lance countered it with his sword. The two struggled to push the other one off.

"Stop.. fighting me!" Shiro growled. Lance gritted his teeth. "If... If this is how I am going to be treated, I don't want to go back!" Lance yelled, shoving at Shiro with all of his strength. Shiro took a step back, enough for Lance to shoot his leg out and knock Shiro down to one knee.

Lance swung his sword down, aiming for Shiro's shoulder. Despite all this, he did not want to kill his friend. Shiro shot his arm towards Lance and their weapons clashed. The echo of metal on metal reverberated throughout the hangar. The generals stood by, though Zethrid looked ready to jump in at any moment.

"Why Shiro? Why are you doing this?" Lance demanded, his eyes tearing up. "I thought after our talk, we left on good terms!"

Shiro shoved Lance's sword to the side and lashed out towards him. Lance was quick to duck and roll out of the way. He moved a few feet back, to give Shiro space. "Please tell me! I don't want to kill you!"

Shiro stood up slowly, turning to stare Lance down. "The princess told me this was a bad idea, I told her... I told her it was OK..."

Lance froze. "Wait... you were OK with it? Then why the quiznak are we fighting?"

"I'm not OK with it... anymore.." Shiro said slowly, darting towards Lance as a flurry of attacks fell upon him. Lance blocked them with his shield, skidding slightly at the force. 'Something's wrong.' Lance thought. He narrowed his eyes as he watched Shiro's attacks; staying on the defense.

His eyes darted towards the generals, and landed on Narti.

'Narti.. Can you hear me?' He questioned as he evaded more of Shiro's attacks.

'Yes, what is it?'

'I think something is wrong with Shiro?'

'Princess Allura seems to have given him an Omestaa pill.' Narti's calm reply came. Lance faulted slightly at this, nearly getting hit by Shiro, but moved his shield just in time.

'Omestaa pill?'

'Yes. It is a rare pill that came from the Alteans during their reign. They created the Omestaa pill to control beings for a short amount of time. In this case, Shiro is being controlled by Allura, who seemingly did not approve of you and Lotor.'

'Seriously?? You couldn't have mentioned this sooner?' Lance growled slightly.

'You told us to not interfere.'

'That... That isn't what I meant..' Lance groaned to himself, before yelping as Shiro sliced at him and nicked his cheek.

'OK, so how do we turn him back to normal?'

'When an Omestaa pill is used, a small mark appears on the back of the possessed's neck. If you hit that mark spot-on, it should turn him back.'

"Well obviously...' Lance scowled, dodging Shiro as he tried to check out his neck. Sure enough, a small purple circle with a strange symbol inside was tattooed on the back of Shiro's neck. Before Lance could try anything, Shiro whipped around and struck at him. 

Lance wasn't able to dodge in time. Shiro pierced his shoulder, sending Lance sprawling into the ground. The searing pain in his shoulder was unbearable. Shiro sat on Lance's chest and twisted the sword and shield out of his grasp, shoving them away. Lance reached out to push at Shiro, but Shiro pressed a hard finger into Lance's shoulder, earning a hiss between Lance's teeth.

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