Love is Dangerous

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"What?" Allura screeched.

"Absolutely not!" Shiro growled, starring Lotor down. Lotor shrugged. "Those are only options I have for you paladins."

"How about a third one, where I kick all your asses!" Keith spat out, glaring behind Lotor at his generals. They all stood straight up, quiet and refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

Lance had stayed quiet during all of this, but he finally stood up. "Enough!" He shouted, slamming a hand down on the table in the room, which halted all the yelling.

"I'll go." Lance said.

"No way in hell are we letting you go." Shiro spoke, still glaring at Lotor.

"Ehh let him go, he might be better off that way." Keith said. Lance glared at him; he could see Keith was challenging him for more bloodshed. He turned away. "If this is true, we could keep Zarkon at bay for at least a while."

"Don't you think with a paladin gone and Voltron unable to form, that would spur Zarkon on even more?" Hunk asked. 

"We cannot risk losing a paladin and having Zarkon attack us." Allura said.

Lotor raised a hand to his chest. "Believe me, if he could, he would attack relentlessly. However, since your last battle, he has been bed-ridden for quite some time. For now, he just wants to make sure the 'threat' of Voltron attacking him is gone for the time being."

Pidge raised an eyebrow. "He is weak? Isn't this an even better time to go and finish him off?"

"Yes but if what Lotor says is true, he could destroy innocent planets with a push of a button." Shiro said, eyeing Lotor, who smiled. "Believe what you will Black paladin, either way, i take the lions, or i take one of you paladins."

"That isn't an op-" Shiro started

"I'll go!" Lance interrupted him. "I know you don't want that, but regardless of what you guys think, I trust Lotor. At least for a little, let me stay with Lotor until we figure this out."

Shiro groaned, rubbing his neck. "No Lance, we won't let you leave. We will come up with another solution. for now, it is late and I am tired. We won't get anywhere since none of us are agreeing with Lotor's terms."

Allura nodded. "We all need some rest. Lotor, may we think it over and discuss it more tomorrow?" Lotor smiled. "Of course princess. If I may ask, is there a place my generals and I may rest?"

"The prison cells." Keith slipped out. Allura glared at him before turning and plastering on a fake smile. "If you must, you can use the few far rooms in the east wing. Though I will have eyes on you all at all times, so don't even try to do anything suspicious."

Lotor smiled warmly. "Of course not my princess." He turned and without a word the generals and Lotor slipped out.

Lance started to speak, but Shiro cut him off. "Lance... please don't. Sending you away would be a great risk. I get you trust him, but please understand that none of us do. He could be lying about all of this. Zarkon could be perfectly fine and preparing an army as we speak."

Allura nodded. "I'm sorry Lance, we need time."

Lance hung his head. "Fine. I'm going to bed." He turned and left, heading towards his room. He heard Keith yell out something, but Lance ignored him. He was too tired to fight. He was frustrated.

'Why can't they trust him?' Lance thought, groaning. He knew why, but he didn't want to believe it.

Sure he had only spent one night with Lotor, but that was all it took. He could just feel  that Lotor was trustworthy, he couldn't put it into words. He slid the door to his room open, and fell face first into the floor.

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