Love is Trusting

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"La-Lance wait!" Lotor shouted, he started to run after Lance before Veronica laced her arms around his, holding him in place.

"Where do you think you are going?" She hissed, raising an eyebrow. "Forget about him. He is immature and a brat. I am more your style." She pressed her body against his arm, still topless and persistent.

Lotor had enough, his eyes flashed for a second, returning to the normal yellow sclera before shifting back to the normal pair of eyes he was sporting. Lotor yanked his arm roughly out of her grasp, earning a yell in disgust.

"Do NOT touch me woman!" Lotor growled. His features turning sinister, and making Veronica surprised. "You are Lance's family, so I was trying to treat you with respect, but seeing how you won't treat me the same way, I have no reason to do that. Listen carefully."

Lotor leaned down to her level, his face twisting into disgust. "Never tough me with that disgusting squishy body of yours. The overuse of your perfume makes me want to vomit. I love Lance with all my heart and I will NOT let anyone get in the way of that. Do you understand?" He hissed. Veronica's hands were visibly shaking, but she simply crossed her arms in front of her chest and made a "humph" sound.

"I thought you were a gentleman! You are a disgusting asshole! I will make sure my parents disapprove of your relationship with my brother! I hope you die alone!"

Lotor sneered at her, his composure fading. "I would rather die alone then be with someone like you, bitch."

Veronica gasped, letting out an angry shout and stomping one of her feet; a true spoiled brat. Veronica twisted around, grabbing her bikini top and pointing an angry finger at Lotor. "Fuck you!" She growled, turning and storming off.

Lotor was tempted to go after her, he was itching for a physical fight, the blood in his body boiling. But now was not the time. Lotor took in a deep breath and exhaled, calming himself down before turning to chase after Lance, who was long gone by now.

Lotor stopped by the towel and umbrella he had been laying on, rummaging through the small bag he had with him to find a hair tie. He tied back his long white hair in a loose low ponytail. The wind blew softly at the strands of hair that cascaded along his face. He moved to close the bag, and noticed the small box that his mother had given him. He knew what he had to do.

Lotor grabbed the small box, holding it tenderly in his hand before turning and running off in the direction he last saw Lance.

'I'm coming Lance. I will make this right.' Lotor thought, determination fueling his body as he moved.

'W-What did I just see?' Lance thought to himself, the blood pounding in his ears as he ran. The pounding of his feet and the harsh breathing was deafening. Lance had been running along the shore, running until there were no longer beach goers around.

He had been having fun with the younger kids, splashing water towards them and having battles where one kid sat on his shoulder and fought another pair. It had all been fun until he heard his sister yell. Lance had turned towards the beach, and he could make out legs tangled together but couldn't make out much more than that.

He had become worried that his sister had been attacked, some sicko pervert that had been lurking around the beach perhaps. After making sure the kids he was playing with would be OK, he had turned and ran towards his sister.

Lance's heart had dropped when he had found the one person he loved more than anything, on top and kissing his sister. Lotor had jumped off of her and was about to say something, and that was when Lance had decided to speak up. Lotor's face had dropped when he saw Lance, and Lance couldn't take hearing whatever excuse Lotor had.

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