Vik sat in the library durning lunch like he normally would. The smell of books lingering around him, with occasional whispers from other students and laughs from the hallway. Though Vik didn't always want to study, he loved the library. It gave him a sense of comfort and safety, like it was a second home.
He continued reading from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens for his English class but when he looked up something was different. Sure, people would vary from day to day but never did he think he would see Simon Minter in the library.
His tall frame seemed to hide in his sweater and he kept close to the shelves towards the corner of the room. It was obvious that he didn't want anyone he knew catching him here.
The smaller boy watched Simon intently, wondering why he was here. Didn't he have other things to occupy his time? Vik was sure he should be playing football, not looking at books.
The bell rang, pulling the boy from his thoughts. Once he had gathered his things, he looked over to see a wave of fear covering Simons face. Vik sighed as he walked to the doors of the library and looking each way down the corridor. "Don't worry" he said looking back to the taller boy. "No ones there" he said.
Relief washed over Simons face as he gave a small smile. "Thank you" he said. Vik smiled back at the boy before opening the door to leave. "Wait!" Simon exclaimed "I never caught your name!"
Vik just looked at the boy with a soft smile before leaving down the hallway to his next class leaving Simon confused and curious.
Hey! I don't really know if anyone wants me to keep going with this book, but I've enjoyed writing this so far! This chapter was a bit different but let me know if you want me to keep going :))~Stella