e n g l i s h

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Two of Simon's friends Freezy and Chip were  already sat at their table. Since there were 2 Cals in their friend group they normally called Callum A. "Freezy" and Callum M. "Lux". Simon had no idea how he ended up at a table with 3 of his mates, but he didn't complain.

"Simon!" Freezy exclaimed, before giving him a "bro hug" over the table. Simon plopped in his seat waiting for their final table partner to arrive. His name was Tobi. He had skin like chocolate and eyes to match. He was also the most humble person Simon had ever met.

The lesson had started and Simon was surprised to see Tobi come in late as he was normally a fairly good student. "Sorry sir, I had to visit the infirmary" he said, handing Mr. Kellams a note. He gave a quick nod and motioned the boy to sit.

"Why were you in the infirmary? Are you alright?" Simon questioned after Tobi had sat down.

"Oh, I had to check up on my younger brother Manny. I heard he got injured playing football at lunch and wanted to make sure he was ok." Tobi said with a smile.

Simon was glad to hear Tobi was ok and invited him to come over to his house after school to work on their project. "Well I have to do a history report with a boy named Vik, but we can work on it at my house after he's left". Simon nodded even though he didn't know Vik. All he cared about was finalizing the project and maybe playing some football or video games.


Hi again, it's me. Sorry I kinda disappeared, I've been pretty busy lately. Not a very good explanation but I'm sure no one really cares lmao :))


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