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Because of the library incident, Simon ended up being late for math. Being late for classes was quite normal for the boy, but he never missed math as it was his favorite subject. "You're late, Mr. Minter" his teacher Mr. Clemons sighed.
"I know, I got a bit caught up in something" Simon replied, running a hand through his hair.
"I don't want to hear your excuses, just go sit."
Simon nodded before shuffling to the back of the class and sitting next to his friend Chris.

Chris was one of Simons friends from football. He was short, blonde, had from the island Jersey. He moved when he was in year 8 and Simon had got along with him ever since.

"Hey mate" Chris smiled. Simon returned the gesture before getting lost into his own thoughts. Who was that boy? Why did he help him? Questions raced through his brain.

He mindlessly did his work and before he knew it, class was over. He gathered his things and made his way to English and finding his friends.

Haven't updated in a while and this was a bit of a filler. Next chapter should be out within a few days though! :))


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