Chapter 3

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  *I'm so sorry I couldn't post, I had some personal problems but it's ok now.
*Kai's POV*
    I missed Sarah, and I had just met her a week ago. She had been ignoring me, spending all her time with Vi. She looked happy but I couldn't help but be bitter, as I was spending all my time, to my great discomfort, with Rebecca Brown.
    Her black hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing her trademark pink shirt and skirt. Her face was covered with makeup as always.
    I hated her. She was so fake, so full of herself. She'd stab you in the back without hesitation. And she has a crush on me, which makes it a hundred times worse.
    "What's wrong honey?" She said, grabbing my hand. I realized I had been making a sour face.
    "Nothing." I said, taking her hand off mine. Her eyes blazed with fury before returning to normal. "I have to go to look for someone. Be right back." I said standing up.
    I ran off before Rebecca could stop me.
    I wandered through the hallways looking for Sarah. I heard her laugh.
    "Stop it, Vi. I won't talk to him. Maybe tomorrow. I have archery practice today."
    "Archery practice? You're the best on the team, by far. You don't need practice. If you don't talk to Kai today, I'll talk to him. I know you like him." Said Vi.
     Sarah liked me? I couldn't believe it. I cleared my throat and walked up to them.
     "Um, Sarah, could I speak to you in private? It's important."
      Sarah stared at me. "Of course she will!" Yelled Vi. Sarah stared daggers at her. Vi continued, whispering. "I have to go to the library, so Sarah can speak to you freely. See you later!" Vi walked off.
      I looked at Sarah's beautiful eyes. "I, um, was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me sometime?" I muttered. She smiled.
     "Kai, I have to think about it, but I'll probably say yes. See you in class." She waved and walked off. I stared at her dumbfounded before remembering.
      "Wait!" I yelled catching up to her. "I need your number, to call you, if you say yes, I mean." She rummaged through her bag,  brought out paper and pen and scribbled something down. She gave it to me. "Thanks. See you later." I said walking off, grinning like a madman.
*Sarah's POV*
       Even though it had been interfering with the plan, I had been staying away from Kai. Vi knew I 'liked' him I was pushing me to talk to him. I refused, and just my luck, he appears and asks me out on a date.
       I walked off feeling happy because I was a step closer to completing my mission, but giddy because I was going on an actual date.
    *Hi guys. I hope you liked this chapter. Today's chapter is dedicated to three of my (guy) friends: Luca, Tomas and M. I hate you three.
     I'm made an Instagram account called @weird_fangirl_stories so please follow me. I'll do shoutouts and polls and whatever else comes to mind.
     If you like this story vote and spread the love. Tell all your friends about it!
    Love you, bye❤❤.

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