Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
      I wake up in the middle of night to a tapping on my window. What? I love on a fifteenth floor.
      I slowly get out of bed and put on my favorite comfy sweater and get my bow and quiver. I sneak up to the window and see a grinning face.
      "Kai! You almost gave a heart attack! What are you doing here?" I fanned my face.
        He laughed. "I may or may not have climbed the emergency stairs to see you." We both blushed and looked at our very interesting feet. "I was just wondering if you wanted to be my partner for the project?" I didn't know about the project. They had probably talked about it when I was with Ms. Miller and, of course, no one told me about it.
          "Of course. What's this project about, anyway?" We continued talking. I enjoyed his company till I remembered why I was having nightmares in the first place. I had to complete my mission. I had to kill Kai.
           I gulped and blinked back tears. "Kai? Could you come back, um, tomorrow, so we can start? It's kind of late and I want to sleep." I tugged at my sweater. He looked so, crestfallen.
           "Yeah, of course, I forgot, it's around midnight, I should let you sleep. See you tomorrow." I got closer to him and kissed him on the cheek.
          "See you tomorrow." And I closed the window on his face. I went back to sleep and not a minute after I lay down, I heard a tapping on my window again.
          "Kai! I told you to go home. It's-" CRASH! A brick broke through the window. I walked up to see who had thrown it, and a hand grabbed my neck, choking me.
            "Stay. The hell. Away. From. Kai. I have to kill him. So do you. Let me do it." She let me go and jumped the first flight of stairs. I walked back in and locked my now useless window. I remembered the brick. I picked it up a noticed a paper stuck on.
          Better keep your mouth shut, or something may happen to someone you love. Virginia Walker, perhaps.
          Sleep tight,
                               R. xx
           *I'm so so so sorry I missed posting! The chapters kept getting erased and I got some life changing news so I was kinda depressed about it but not so much now.
            Anyways, love you all. Vote, share and bye 👋🏻💙💙.*

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