
142 6 4

Pairing: Poly!Derps

Prompt: The youngest of the group are always getting into trouble, wether they know it or not. Indirectly or directly. Doesn't help that they're 2 of 6 co-founders for a multimillion dollar company.

  Bored eyes scanned the papers strewn on the desk. The owner of said eyes signed the last paper before sighing in relief. His name was Anthony Chaos, or Chilled. He was one of the main owners of Derp Inc. There were a lot of different franchises for them, like Derp fitness. Chilled groaned as he turned from the door. It had a lot of paperwork though, which is why he's glad he has more than one co-founder.

"Chilly~" two voices chorused.

...who were also his lovers. Chilled turned around and grinned at the two standing in front of him. Anthony Colonel and Steven Royale, or Galm & Ze. They were the youngest out of the group of lovers. They were also spoiled a bit more because they weren't given much when they were young.

"Hello my dears~" Chilled hummed as he got up. Galm snickered and pushed him back down.

"Did you finish your work? You know if you didn't we'll leave you behind like last time. You missed out on all the fun" Galm said while Ze giggled behind him. Chilled whined as he thought about that. The others left him behind since he didn't finish his work. While he got a cramp in his hand, Ze and the others had sex. He knew he missed out when he saw how content everyone looked.

"I did, I promise~" Chilled whined as he pulled Galm into his lap. The darker male laughed at him. Galm turned so he was straddling Chilled's waist and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Don't worry Chilly, we can do whatever you want when we get home. Doesn't that sound good?" Galm asked even though the answer was obvious.

"Well, does that include chocolate?" Chilled asked. Ze giggled as Galm rolled his eyes at the bad joke.

"Yeah yeah it-CHILLED!" Galm suddenly yelled as he felt a hand between his legs. Right on no man's land. But to Chilled, it's his land.

"What if I said I was impatient?" Chilled said as he started nibbling on Galm's neck.

"I would say, you can't go anywhere without trying to fuck one of us" Galm stated bluntly. Chilled laughed and let Galm get up. He was ready to go. He needed to go.

"Mr. Chaos?"

"Yes Amanda?" Chilled answered his secretary.

"Before you go and fuck around with your lovers, someone is here to see you, they want a partnership" Chilled whined.

"...Send them up"

"Don't worry Chilled, I'll handle everything else after this" She said. That's when the call ended.

"Awww, don't worry Chilly, we'll stay with you if it makes you feel better" Ze stated with a giggle. Chilled smiled as he watched both of them pull up a chair and bring it as close as possible without it being uncomfortable to him.

"That's why I love you guys" Chilled said as they both gave him warm smiles. That's when a knock was heard.

"Come in!" Chilled and the other two watched as a tall, buff, and handsome man came in. Ze giggled and whispered something in Galm's ear, making them laugh.

"Mr. Chaos? I presume"

"Yes that's me, and my co-founders" Chilled said beckoning to Ze and Galm.

"You are?"

"Mr. Wicks, how many co-founders are there?"

"There are three others but they don't need to be here, actually I think Tom is coming isn't he?" Chilled asked the others. They nodded and went back to talking to each other.

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