Chapter 5: The Truth

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Anna didn't know what to think as her mind is taking all what is inside.

She is startled when the red light suddenly pass through her like scanning her body. Then a voice suddenly spoke.

Anna Kendrick Identified

With that said, the light opened and the door behind her closed and a red particles gather forming a young girl exactly replica of her but she is the computerized herself.

" W-What?" Anna mumble not believing what is in front of her.

" A lot to take in I believe"

the robotic sound she heard from the girl.

" What are you?" Anna breath out as she look closely at the younger self well more like projectile of her younger self.

" You can call me the Red Queen. An AI created by your father on purpose of this coming day."

" Woah. That's so cool and creepy at the same time" Ruby mutter in awe.

" It look awesome" Henry commented.

" More like creepy" Emma mutter. An AI that look and sound like her daughter.

Anna is confused. Her father created this AI for what porpuses and what day she is talking About?

" Day for what?"

" The Day where Umbrella Corporation will End"

" Look. AI or whatever you are. This is my father company. He built this company. Its not like I'm gonna destroy everything he work so hard" Beca said

" His company that are tainted since he died. Your father built me for this very day. To end everything before it get out of hands. Before humanity affected. It is your father last wish"

" And why would father do that?"

" Dr. Posen. Your father's partner. I know you have doubt but to prove this to you. Then, you have to witness the horrible truth"

Before Anna can reply. The A.I. figure disappear and change the scene with her father sitting in his chair office with Dr. Posen facing him and they are in argument.


" I will not let my daughter be an experiment" Mr. Kendrick said on his final voice.

" Don't you get it? She's the only survivor of the serum. We have to find out why" Dr. Posen replied.

" I will fucking kill him" Emma growled. How dare he think that he can experiment her daughter.

" I will assist you. He dare to hurt my grand daughter" David added angrily.

Regina look at the screen angrily. She want to kill Mr. Posen, if she know that Henry has twin, she will surely adopt the little girl.

Henry look at the screen in worry. His twin sister being experimented. He felt lucky that even his mom is evil queen, she never hurt him.

" It is enough that my daughter is well. She will not be put into another test. I will not lose the only thing that matter to me"

" Your a scientist. Kendrick. It is our chance to improve the serum. She will be a great asset in our company"

" I had enough death. My daughter's near death is enough for me. Your a psycho Posen. Its time to stop this project. It will cause only death or worse effect. Apocalypse if we continue this" Mr. Posen eyes harden at what he said. He took a deep breath and calm himself

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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