Chapter 3: Life of Anna Kendrick

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The light disappear as they went face to face with a woman who is tall and has red hair. Regina look at her like she know her but can't quite remember where and when so she asl the typical.

" Who are you?" Regina ask curiously as the woman roll her eyes.

" Why am I not shock that you don't know me... I can't say the same to you Rumple" The woman said as Rumple look at her.

" My. Its been long time Zelena. Must I say, why is the witch of the west is here?" Rumple ask shocking them.

" Witch of the  West!?" They ask in shock

" Um. Isn't she supposed to be green?" Emma ask glancing at the woman who glare at her.

" Chaos bring me here as and explain to me everything. I supposed to get revenge on Regina but he stop me and force me here. Either cooperate or my powers be taken" she said in distaste as Regina look at her in shock

" Me? What do I do? As far as I remember, Oz is different from Enchanted Forest so there's no chance I met you" Regina said. Its the first time she seen this woman and want revenge to her.

" She's your sister" Rumple intervene making Zelena eyebrow twitch.

"What!?" They all gasp in shock except Rumple and Zelena who is watching amuse with their reaction.

" I don't have a sister." Regina insisted glaring at the woman who glare back at her

" She is the child of Cora. Given to the married couple in another dimension so that no one will hindrance you as a queen. She also became my student" Rumple added. Zelena eyes twitch mentioning her past. She hate it when they all chooses Regina while she suffer.

" But Cora still chooses Regina and you still chooses her. I may not be have my revenge now but after all of this. I will come back" she mutter as she sit in the other sofa secluded from them

" I think I need a drink" Emma mutter as a glass of drink appear in the table startling  them as she grab the drink hesitant. She didn't think it will appear as what Chaos said. The others said what they want trying to calm what just happen.

The saviour who has twins. One who believe for fairy tales and happy ending and the other one who is darker one end up killing and even now an adult. And now, the sister of Regina who she never known in her life.

Just Great

" Can we just watch the video" Emma said as screen lit up



A scene appear where a little woman with blonde hair and green eyes playing with a man with brunette hair laughing. Its actually like flashback from the baby till she age.

" So that's what you mean when you said she's blonde and has green eyes" Regina said finding the kid cute and she can tell that she and Henry are fraternal twins.

" Yes. Now you know why I'm shock she has brunette hair and blue eyes" Emma said

" Maybe she dye her hair" Henry said

" That maybe explain the hair kid. But not the color of her eyes" Emma said

" She's so cute. She just so look like you" Snow squealed.

" Ah. Can't she be more annoying?" Zelena mutter under her breath.

" You have no idea dear." Regina smirk as Zelena smirk back but faded quickly and scowl. She didn't really want to interact with her sister
She wants revenge.

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