I can be cruel

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Sing POV

I answer my phone, still half asleep.

"What?" I sigh

"There was an attack on Wayo, his friends are taking him to hospital. I called ahead, they will be expecting them."

I'm wide awake, I get up and start grabbing things as I listen.

"How bad is he?"

"I don't know, he's bleeding and passed out. I have people coming to sweep his place, one of my people is following the guy right now."

"Stop following him, take care of it right now!" I snap

"Chill Sing, he was on the phone to someone, I want to know who."

"Anyone else hurt?"

"No. One of the doctors nearly caught the guy, got in a good hit, but the slippery little shit managed to run off."

"Keep me informed." I say and hang up.

"What's wrong p? who's hurt?" New asks waking up.

"Someone attacked Yo." I tell him

"Shit! I'm coming with you." He says getting up.

We get ready fast, I call uncle, he's coming.

Someone meets us when we arrive, they take us to a waiting room, Yo's being seen. Pha's pacing, he's got blood on his shirt, Beam looks worried, there's blood on his shirt as well, shit what happened. Kits walks over the minute he seems me.

"Someone attacked him, I nearly caught the guy but the bastard managed to slip away." Kits furious.

"My people are after him, how's Wayo?" I ask

"We don't know, there still checking." He answers

Ming arrives minutes later, followed by Forth, they ask questions but we don't know much. Someone knocked on the door, Beam answered, it was Wayo, bleeding, Beam caught him as he collapsed. He said 'guy in my room' and 'stairs' before passing out.

Kit saw someone peaking around the corner when he went towards the stairs, and went after them, Pha and Beam called an ambulance and saw to Wayo.

Ming keeps trying to see through the door, Kit makes him sit, Beam hasn't moved, Forth's got his arm around him, talking to him quietly.

I grab Pha when he looks ready to rush in, the look on his face and the pain in his eyes says enough. I pat his shoulder, New takes my hand, I hold it tighter.

The room is quiet, the lights very low, Yo hasn't woken. Once the doctors checked him he was moved to a room. They used a stronger form of chloroform to try and subdue him, there were remnants of the strong smell on his clothing but the doctors more concerned about his head wound from the fall. Nothing was broken but he has bruises and he's not awake yet.

Pha's slumped over the bed, still holding Yo's free hand, his other has an IV drip. They are machines, monitoring vitals, they aren't sure if he's unconscious from what he was given or the fall.

Ming's still awake, Kits fallen asleep with his head on Ming's shoulder. Beam and Forth are sleeping nearby, Forth tried to take Beam to change but he wouldn't go, I had someone bring clothes for him and Pha. Seeing the blood was upsetting, especially for them.

New's asleep next to me, no one wanted to leave. I watch Yo sleeping, he looks pale, wake up soon kido.

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