Something is wrong

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"Who was that Rome?" Monty asks as we drive him home.

"My cousin."

"You okay Rome?" chicken asks

"I'm fine."

"You don't look it." I say gently.

"Rome if somethings wrong you can tell us." Monty says from the front.

"I don't like him." Rome looks near tears. "I don't want to stay with his family."

We arrive outside the house, Rome's still upset. "I wish he hadn't seen me." He whispers before slipping out of the car. We follow him inside.

P'Bee's in night clothes, wearing a mask, hair back watching tv, she just came in with a bowl of popcorn.

"Hi boys! Yo hun your back how you feeli... Rome, what's wrong kido?"

He walks over and hugs her, she just lets him, patting his shoulder with her empty hand.

"What's wrong hun?" She asks

"P I can stay here right? You don't want me to leave?"

"You live here now, not returning you ever!"

She looking at us, we shake our heads we don't know.

"Rome run for it, change, our shows starting soon." P'Bee yells at him, he smiles and goes to change.

"Talk fast." She tells us looking worried, we tell her what we know.

"Rome never says he doesn't like someone." I tell P'Bee.

"Let's keep an eye on him, anything off I want to know." She says, we all agree.

We stay and try to watch the show, but when the lead gets amnesia and only forgetting the heroine we all complain. P'Bee and Rome give us glares and tell us to leave, they like the show.

"Guys something is worrying Rome." I say as we sit in the library.

Since he met that guy a few days ago, he's been frowning and sighing a lot.

"P'Bee said he's been on the phone to his mother often and seems upset after." Monty tells me

"You don't think she's trying to make him go back do you?" I ask

"He has P'Bright now I don't think it's that easy."

"We thought he'd be more zoned out and tired like bitch Yo."

"Oi! I'm fine." I snap.

"Getting done daily you would be."

"Where does P'Pha get the energy?" They all sigh happily.

"Well if it was me I would be okay with him d...."

"Shut it right there." I snap at Monty. The all smirk at me.

Rome joins us sighing; he sits and looks at his phone. He's done this before, but when we ask he just brushes it off.

"I have to see the hazing team, want to come Rome?" I ask

That's cheered him up, we have nothing this afternoon and my teams got plans. Ones I refused to join.

"Should we wait for Ming and go eat after?" Rome asks as we walk.

"No he's gone with P'Kit to his house."

"Official introduction?" Rome laughs

"P'Kit's grandmothers visiting, but he had a flat tyre so Ming drove him."

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