Team of Heroes

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We all slowly gather and wait, it will begin soon. My ship moves, I put down my drink, no distractions now.

We wait as our ships leave warp speed, arriving at our destination, and we are transported down to the planet surface.

P'Forth, Ming and I slowly move to the right, as P'Din, P'In and P'Yut take positions to the left. This has to be done with great precision, one wrong move could mean failure, and death.

We slowly check our gear, talking as we wait.

P'Forth: Make sure your all loaded.

I can hear everyone checking their guns again, I quickly check that all mine are loaded with ammo and ready to use.

P'Din: We only get one shot at this guys, let's make it good.

The High Vanguards voice booms through our com, are orders are clear, take down the enemy leader, and get us a way onto the space cannon, we move.

Me: Attack team, move forward.

P'Din, P'In and P'Yut rush in and start firing, P'Forth and Ming follow me, we take out the enemies further out.

We clear the room and move on, we need to get into the base, but we need codes, we find the general.

Me: Take him down! We need entry codes.

We attack, his guard isn't far, it's a quick fight, take out the minions then the general. We have little time to waste, I take out my grenade launcher, I aim and fire, quickly reloading, I fire again. He's down, we have the codes.

P'Din: Get in fast, then head for the elevator.

Ming: Watch out, they have cloaked here as well.

I stay behind, watch for the distinct shimmer, I down the invisible ones with 1 hits, we get to the elevator and activate it.

Its an open freight, no roof, we are attacked as we move up.

Me: Find cover!

We hide behind the supply crates taking out enemies above, we jump off as soon as it reaches the top, taking out more opponents.

We arrive at the large hanger.

P'Din: It's Kohan! take cover, he has missiles.

We dodge and duck, slide, shoot as we take out the minor guards and try taking shots at Kohan.

P'Forth: Where is the air support?

Ming: Here she comes.

High Flyer: I got your back guardians.

P'In: She's distracted them, take em out.

We shoot fast, shit I'm out of bullets, I punch the guard as he turns to shoot at me. I slide behind a crate, getting out my second gun.

Me: I need more ammo.

Ming: Hanger floor 2 o'clock.

P'Yut: Anyone have any special ammo left? I used it all on that dam hover ship.

P'Forth: Save your specials! Were gonna need it for Kohan on the roof.

We finish off the last of the enemies, our air support leaves, we head up the stairs to face the leader.

P'Din: We need his codes to get on the dam space cannon, let's do this fast.

P'In: Remember, we're on the clock!

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